The Arrival

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The day of the party arrived sooner than Kenma was ready for it to. He wouldn't say he was against going, he now thought of it as more of an inconvenience to him. He's known that the party was today, but he just started a new mission that he was desperate to complete.  Whatever, he wouldn't let Kuroo drag him out of his room, he was going to sit here and finish this mission wether Kuroo liked it or no-

"Kenma are you getting ready? We should start to head over there soon." Kuroo said, dragging Kenma out of his thoughts and his eyes away from the TV, onto the closed door. He set down his controller and replied to the older cat with a quick, "okay." Kenma sighed, he should go to the party, its Bokuto's party after all. And besides.. what's the worst that can happen?

Kenma dug through his drawer of pants to find an eligible contender. He was thinking, visualizing what would look the best with what. He grabbed a few shirts that he thought looked alright and sprawled the clothing out on his bed, tidying them up a bit to better compare everything. He looked for a minute, back and forth, before slipping off his comfy sweatpants in place of some black, ripped skinny jeans. His shirt was soon discarded as well, instead, putting on a light blue shirt with a rose on the back.

Kenma grabbed a sweatshirt to tie around his waist and threw on a couple accessories before heading out of his room and into the kitchen to wait for Kuroo. He grabbed a few things that they bought for the party and threw them into a bag. After, Kenma scrolled through Tumblr until  Kuroo walked into the room, "Keeennmmaaa, time to go!" 

He looked up to see Kuroo, scanning his outfit. At the same time, both men looked at each other and responded, "Wow, it actually looks like you put effort into your outfit." Kuroo chuckled, spinning the car's keys on one of his fingers, "Thanks! I have an impression to make, I am Bokuto's bestest best bro ever after all." 

"Whatever, let's just get going." Kenma said nonchalantly, making his way to the door. They sat down in the car and buckled up. "Did you bring everything Kenma?" He nodded, showing the taller man the insides of his bag. "If we both do get wast-" Kuroo started. "Im not getting wasted, I don't see a purpose." The black haired man smirked at the interruption.  Kuroo started the car and the two made their way over to Bokuto's house.

The drive seemed longer than 15 minutes for Kenma and about halfway there Kenma started to get an anxious feeling in his stomach. He tried his best to keep calm, hoping that if he took deep breaths, he would feel better. Breathing, focus on your breathing. "You don't have to worry, just have fun tonight," Kenma jolted, "If you let yourself panic, you're not going to have fun. If you don't have fun, you'll never go to another party again. If you never go again, you'll miss out on great opportunities." Kuroo solemnly said, eyes staying on the road. Kuroo's usual smile hinted on his face as he drives. Kenma thought over the other's words to help him calm down. Surprisingly, they actually did help and Kenma was back to his normal self by the time they arrived. 

Kenma expected, since he's never been to a real party, that there would be blaring music and lights, lots of drunk people, a lot of yelling, and probably uncomfortably compact. That's all Kenma had seen in games and movies. He really doesn't want to be there if the party is too insanely wild, but he secretly hoped that the party would fit that description. 

But when they got there, it seemed too quiet. The house had multiple cars around it, in the driveway, road, and down the street a bit. A few people were outside, Kenma guessed, to get away from the stuffy inside. Kuroo pulled into the spot he always parks his car when he goes over to the owl's house. He asks, "Hey, do you want me to stay with you for a bit or are you fine on your own?" Kenma thinks for a second before giving his answer, "I think I'd like it more if I stuck with you for a bit." He gives Kenma a little thumbs up before opening up his door and jumping out. 

Kenma hops out of the car and the two walk towards the house. He glances at the people standing and talking outside as he follows Kuroo to the front. He heard the loud music from the house as he walked up the entrance stairs. He gives a quick but loud knock on the open door to let Bokuto know he has arrived. And as if he had been summoned, the owl man slid in front of the two, startling Kenma. "HEY HEY HEEY!! YOU GUYS SHOWED UP!" Bokuto pulled the two into a hug, they tried their best to hug back while being suffocated. Bokuto let go and led them into the kitchen. 

Kenma took this time to examine everyone briefly, to see what kind of people Bokuto invited. He first saw a few girls in a hallway chatting and holding cups. There was a short, spiky haired man talking to a long haired man, who seemed to be overwhelmed by the party as well. In the corner of the kitchen was a green haired man with a few freckles talking to a brown haired woman, they both seem to be flustered messes. Of course, there were two dozen more people just in this area, but that's all the time he had for scoping. 

About 10 minutes in, Kenma was still standing with Bokuto, Akaashi, Kuroo, and some other girl he didn't know. Kenma suddenly had a thought, "Bokuto, how do you know all of these people?" He asked. Bokuto laughed, "Oh I don't know everyone here, I just told everyone I invited to invite their friends, and their friends ended up inviting their friends and their friends invited a few of their friends and yeah!" He looked excited, "By inviting friends of friends, you'll get more chances to meet more people!"

 Kuroo tapped Kenma's shoulder, "Im getting a drink, do you want anything?" He responded with a short, "Nothing right now." Kuroo gave a short nod and went to grab a drink, leaving Kenma with the small group. "Pssst, Kenma, why don't you go look around? I'm sure you'll know someone else here besides us!" He gave an encouraging smile. He nodded slowly and walked off slowly. Oh god this is a terrible idea. Kenma knew that he didn't know anyone here, and he was sure that his social skilled, or lack of, wouldn't get him anywhere, he's not as sociable as Kuroo or Bokuto. I'll just go upstairs for now.

He walked past a few groups that we're talking amongst themselves on and around the stairs. Sometimes, Kenma wishes he could just talk to people, but then again people are weird and unpredictable. That's what he likes about video games, they aren't unpredictable and he know what's going to happen. 

He reached the top of the stairs and sat his head and arms on the rail, looking down at the people and outside the window right across from him. There wasn't much to do it seemed, so what was he missing out on?

"Oh, hey!"


I know you all think you know who it is, whatever. CLIFFHANGER TIME!! Also, be prepared for more ships in the next chapter dudes! (Give me some ship suggestions if you want)

This one was slightly shorter than what I normally do but I really wanted to post a chapter and I've been busy with school. Who else?

Anywaaaays, if anyone has suggestions that haven't been implemented in yet, comment below and I will most likely put it in.


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