chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Thanks Norman," I smiled as I grabbed my mail and made my way to the elevators. Norman was the old mail man for our building and he was the sweetest person I had ever met. Even though he was about 65, I told him everything and always came to him for advice.

I didn't have class today, which I was overjoyed with because I honestly felt like being extremely lazy all day. At least that was the plan. On my way up to my room, I ran into Justin. It was only the second time I had seen him, but his eyes were still the perfect shade of brown like they were yesterday. He seemed a bit flustered, but quickly shook it off.

"Oh, hey Paisley," he said.

"Hey Justin," I smiled, feeling a small heat on my cheeks.

"So uh, I don't really know New York all that well and I wondering if I could have the honor of you showing me around for the day? I mean, if you aren't busy," He said, exhaling heavily afterwards. I was slightly taken back by his question, but I figured why pass up an oppurtunity to hang out with a cute boy?

"Sure, I don't have classes today," I smiled.

"Sweet, I'll be back pick you up at one. Be ready, and oh, what's your room number again?" he chuckled.

"88b," I replied.

"Alright, see you then," he said walking away and just like that, I was left completely suprised, but overly excited at the same time. I hadn't even know this boy for 24 hours and he was already basically asking me out. Normally, I would decline, but he had some sort of natural pull and I found myself wanting more.


Later that day when Justin picked me up, I was completely nervous. When I opened the door, I was taken back by how attractive he actually was. His hair was spiked to perfection and his face was so defined, it looked like he stepped right out of a magazine. He was wearing khakis and a sweatshirt that was atleast a size too big, but you could definitely still tell how defined his body really was.

"Ready to go?" Justin asked.

"Uh, yeah, sure," I replied grabbing my keys off of the table. We walked to the elevator and took it down to the lobby. When we walked outside, Justin finally spoke again.

"So, how long have you lived in New York?"

"Uh, almost 2 years. I moved here right after high school and took a year break before I started at NYU." I smiled.

"You go to NYU? I just enrolled there for next semester," he laughed.

"Really? That's so cool, you'll love it there. I know I do." I replied as we walked past a small café on the corner. The cafe was called Aunt Maggie's and it quickly became my favorite place when I moved here less than two years ago.

"Hey, you hungry? This café literally has the best coffee and bagels ever," I chuckled pointing to the small place. Justin simply nodded and followed me inside. We sat down at a corner booth and ordered our food. We made small talk until our food was brought to us.

"This is so good," Justin said after taking a bite of his bagel.

"I told you! I love this place," I smiled, sipping my coffee. After we finished, we continued to walk around as I showed Justin parts of New York. He seemed amazed by every little thing. I couldn't blame him, New York was amazing.


The next morning was possibly the most miserable morning of my life. Justin and I stayed out until midnight, completely forgetting we both had classes the next morning.

"Shit," I groaned, hitting the alarm to shut it up. Jumping out of bed, I rushed to get ready. It was 7:30 and my first class was at 8:15. It took at least 30 minutes to get to NYU from my building with traffic. Surprisingly, I made it with only a few seconds to spare.

After finishing my three classes of the day, I began my walk home. Rubbing my hands together to keep them warm, I made my way down the street. Walking into my building, I exhaled when the warmth hit me. That's one thing that I haven't gotten used to yet; the cold. Taking my coat off, I plopped down on my couch and scrolled through my twitter timeline.

"Justin Bieber is now following you."

I slight smile swept across my face and I clicked on his page. He had over 200k tweets and I only had 120. I began to look through his recents and it wasn't at all what I expected. They seemed like pretty in depth tweets and I began to think that there was a lot I didn't know about Justin. I mean, it's not like I expected to know him 100% after meeting him not even three whole days ago. One tweet popped out at me.

"Stop looking for happiness in the same place you lost it."

I made a mental note and continued looking through his page. About 30 minutes later, my eyes were getting blurry, so I decided to put my phone down and take a shower. When I got out, I quickly popped The Notebook into my DVD player and got comfortable. I started drifting off when my phone vibrated and scared me brainless.

New Message from Justin Bieber!

Literally, what the hell? I pulled up my twitter app and opened the message. It was just a simple "hi," which left me completely confused. I replied with a simple "hey," and snuggled back into the couch. My phone vibrated again.

"You dressed?" was all he said.

"Uh, I just showered. Why?" I replied.

"Get dressed, I wanna show you something."

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