The Concert

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Marie Pov

( Mo= Mom M= Marie)arie Pov

( Mo= Mom M= Marie)

Mo- Marie who was that on the phone

M- Darcey. why

Mo- Sorry i was evesdropping and who says you can go to the concert

M- MOM please i never went to one please

Mo- Ill talk to your father but im comming with because it doesnt sound like her parents are going

M- im 17

Mo- I know

M- you have to let me grow up ill be 18 next year. im gunna grow up and you cant stop me

Mo- i know sweetie but..

M- plus mom it probs like Justin Bieber or something like that w\ little kids running around

Mo- I called her mom and it Maroon 5/

M- so your point

Mo- heres going to be adults their. Not little children

M- Please Mom i cant always be little.

Mo- fine you can go but you have to text me every 5 mins.


Mo- Fine every 3 hrs

M- Ill call you when i get their and when im leaving i will not call you any other time only when it an emergancy.

Mo- Ok i know im to protective but youll know why in the furture ill tell you one day but no today and not anytime soon.

M- thanks mom ill be safe


M- maybe


M- Kidding

Mo- You better be

M- I am

Mo- good heres some money to go shopping.

M- Umm thats a lot

Mo- i know but you havent been shopping in a while

m- ok what ever

i walked out of the house and in to my Red and white Mini Coper. I had gotten it for for my 17 birthday and headed off to the mall.

i didnt think i would need to dress up much but knowing Darcey i should because she dresses up for everything so i decided to get this. i was happy what i got it was some what dressy to my taste but i kno wshe would somehow critizes it.

i waited patinetly on my bed. My mom was really worried about me. I had went to a concert before without her. And without a friend. I think whoever the openen act was i think worried her. Hmmhmm i too wonder who it was.

Ed pov

Shoot the time is 13:19 i gotta be at the concert thingy at 13:20. ten minutes before the show. What i great first impression. Haha. Ill gust get changed at the place.

I ran to my car a spede my way down to the place. the time was now 13:25. i saw Niall pacing back and forth then when he saw me his face lite up.

N- Ed your the replacement

E- yeah i guess it so sad Harry left. He'll be back right

N- i think mate you gott aget ready were on in 2 minutes

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