Who?... How?...Why?...

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Ed Pov

Ring ring

E- hello

H- Ed it me harry

E- oh Harry please don't be mad at me

H- wait why would I be ad at you. Well I'm pissed but why do up you think

E- I took your job.

H- I know I know I miss it but I have a worse prob. That includes you

E- wait what

H- you know my girlfriend Maire

E- yeah but I don't know how this I'm tried into this

H- well she says he your wife and that Niall Louis Liam Zayn are her children. Little children

E- da fuck how

H- I don't know please help me please

E- where are you at

H- the only hospital in London. Room A103 I think or is it A102. Whatever it one of those rooms,

E- well I'm in paid doing a concert.

H- oh that's right.

E- ill cancel it your my best friend ill help you.

H- thanks pal

E- no problem.

End of call.

*Flash Back*

I walked into the music store in the mall like I usually do. I picked up a guitar and play. Chord.

Girl- hi can I help you ( Ed was not famous now )

E- um yes actually you can

G- ok with what

E- a guitar for me

G- ok what kind were you looking fir. Acoustic or electric

E- hmm which is. Better?

G- well what reasons are you going to be playing?

E- I honestly don't know

G- haha I think acoustic is better. It a little cheaper but great quality. How about a Taylor guitar.

E- ok done deal ill take the light wood Taylor Guitar.

G- ok ill meet you at the register. Anything else.

E- a case and a strap and some picks.

G- ok back shelf ill meet you here

E- ok

I picked out a black leather water proof case. The most costly but o well. And a got a red strap and a container on blue picks.

G- found everything ok

E- yep

G- ok who helped you

E- ummm Marie yep you Marie

G- hahaha ok then that will be £378.0 ( $600 in USA money)

E- oh wow expensive

G- yeah how bout lunch after this Ill buy.

E- ( hands money to her) oh yea sure babe and no ill buy

G- ok sure then I'm Maire

E- hi Beautiful I'm Ed

*end if flash back *

Oh god that's why shoot

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