Chapter 3: The Corner Seat

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I proceeded to get ready as quickly a possible and I ended up going on top of a few rooftops to get there, with Cryptic's help of course.

When I get there no one else is there, it's only like 7 and school starts a 8. Not unexpected. I proceed to find a map... somehow and look for where class 1-A is. FOUND IT!! I end up running there top speed and I find the level calm down and walk in, someones there.

"Well fuck, guess someone else wanted the corner seat too." I say looking a a purple haired guy that looks like he doesn't sleep.

Well I felt him on that part, I just use a handy thing called Cryptic. He's really helpfull for healing bruses and such. "Yep. How are you doin today?" Purple hair dude said. "Eh could be bet-" I reply. "Stop talking to me and go away." Purple hair said. A shiver went down my spine. Ohhhhh hes got a mind quirk. Heh. Jokes on him those done work on me. Welp I'm walking towards him I guess.

Welcome. I never said thank you. W E L C O M E. Ok thanks then. "Nah I'm good, imma just take the seat next to you." I said in reply. He looked almost shocked. Well in his eyes. "How? That ushually works.." embodiment of sleep deprivation said. "Yeaaaa, mind quirks dont work on me, like at all." I said back sitting down across form him looking at him.

"Let me guess, your antisocial and don't normally approach people, and when you do there afraid of you because of your quirk so they bully you to try and keep you away from them?" I said looking at him my head slightly tilted. "Yep pretty much, your really good at guessing." He said back. Then he sat up slightly straighter and looked me in my eyes obvoisually figuring some stuff out about me.

"Now let me guess something about you, extremely charismatic, has a certain sass about yourself that draws people towards you but are afraid of you once they find out your quirk, and you have problems at home." He summed up. "Your not too shabby about guessing yourself, and you havent even met my quirk yet." I said. "Met?" He said with a questioning tone along with one eyebrow raised looking slightly amused.

Cryptic did the mask thing that I hate, he covered my face with his and said. "What's up fucker. I'm Cryptic, her quirk, mess with her I bite your head off." He said in a deadpan voice. He released the mask thing. "CAN YOU STOP DOING THAT CRYPTIC THIS IS WHY PEOPPE ARE AFRAID OF US!! Also YOU KNOW I HATE THE MASK!!" I shout at the wall looking away. I know, I just needed to make my point. Also sorry 'bout that. "You really are infuriating some times." I say to the wall then I look at the embodiment of insomnia. "Sorry about that, Cryptic has an... attitude with new people, he will bite your head off though, he only eats human flesh. Its problematic when your trying to not eat people." I say with an apologetic tone and a slight chuckle at the end.

"That's was unusual but I'm not going to say that you should be a villan." He said looking at me still looking tired AF. "That's a first." I reply. "You have insomnia too?" I say gesturing to the bags under his eyes. "You could tell?" He said a hint if amusement in his voice. "I sense some scarasim." I said squinting my eyes. "Anyways what's your quirk acctualy called, and what can it do?" I ask. "Its called brainwash, If someone answers a question I say I can take complete control of them. Some people say it feels cold and numb." He said.

"I don't know from experience of course, what about you?" He said. "Mines called Cryptic, he can do basically everything Venom and Riot can do conbined." I replied. "You've seen the movie right?" I asked. "Yea I have, one question, can he heal you?" He said. "Yep." I answered.

"Oh and I'm immune to fire." I add "What do you mean by immune, are you like fireproof?" He said raining an eyebrow looking waaaayyyyy too tired. "Well, I can absorb it, the fire that doesnt hit me just goes on its path." I say rubbing my hand behind my neck.

(Finished)《¤》D A N G E R O U S《¤》 (Shinso Hitoshi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now