Chapter 8: Date!

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5:54 PM (Date timeeee)

SHIT SHIT SHIT! I am currently bolting down the sidewalk to the café. Ya should have left sooner. Shut the FUCK UP I KNOW!!! Yea, Yea, love you too.

5:58 PM

I slowed down as I saw the Café, it was sooo cute, I was also lucky to see a familiar face also known as Hitoshi in casual clothing, it looked rather nice on him, I was wearing an oversized hoodie and some jeans/shorts/sweatpants (Your choice)

As I walked up to him I was panting "Sorry... I'm. L-late" I said in between tween pants for breath. "Its still 5:59 as far as I'm concerned that's not late~" he said putting his arm around me like he had done hundreds of times before, it felt right...

We went up to the counter to see an elderly woman, she seemed nice, I gave her a small smile. "Ahhh, I see you have finally found yourself a woman Shinso!" She said with a slightly mischievous grin.

I laughed slightly and spoke before Shinso could. "Thank you very much, but we arent quite official, this is our first date acctually!" I said with a smile. The woman turned to me and gave a warm smile. "Well then, let's hope it's a good one, I rather like you! Call me Gran!" She said putting her hand out for me to shake, I took her hand and shook it. "Please call me (Y/N) Gran!" I said smiling. I like over to Shinso to see him smiling softly.

"Here I'll get you a table in the corner, the cats like it there!" She said walking over to a table in the corner, we followed and sat down, I sat down next to Shinso and I leaned into him smiling.

"Allright, I'll let you two love birds order when your ready!" She said smiling walking away.

I looked over to Shinso "So I take it you've been here a few times~" I said teasingly. "I like to care for the cats..." he said blushing. "Mabye I can help sometime, Oh! Look theres a little one coming towards us right now" I said smiling beconing the cat to come closer which it gladly did, it was a calico with multicolored eyes, one blue one green, also a she, because shes a calico. The calico happily jumped into my arms as I stroked her fur leaning into Shinso.

Shinso put his arm around me again pulling me closer. I blushed slightly while saying "so what do ya wanna get?" Questioningly, I was surprisingly innocent today, must be a good day.

"Whatever you want Kitten~" he said looking down at me. I blushed again and said "but I don't know what they have~" I said poutingly. "Well for starters they have ramen an-" He said before I cut him off  "Ooooo~ Rameeeennnnnn~" I said practically drooling. "Alrighty then guess were getting ramen for you~" He said booping my nose. I jumped back slightly my eyes widening, I shook my head slightly in an attempt to get the blush to go away. It failed.

"I'm paying!" I said defiyiently. "Nope. I'm paying Kitten~" he said with that seductive tone. "F-fine!" I said nuzzening my face into his chest in another attempt to hide my blush. This one worked. We sat there for a while before I finally peaked up looking up at him I smiled, he smiled back, a slight blush on his cheeks.

He called Gran over and she gladly took our order, we ate our food with nice conversation. One we were done, Shinso got up holding a hand out to help me up. I took his hand a stood up, I thanked Gran for the wonderfull Ramen and she replied with a cheerfull "Anytime sweetie!".

We walked outside and he was walking away before I called to him. "Shinso?" I asked with some noticable curiosity. "Hm?" He said turning around. I rushed towards him about 3 feet closing the distance rapidly. I stood on my tiptoes before giving him a gentle kiss on the lips.

I pulled away only able to get one breath of air before Shinsos lips crashed into mine, him gently biting on my lower lip asking for entrance which I granted not long after. Our toungs fought for dominance in perfect syncrisation.

He won the fight of dominance, or so he thought! I won dominance over him and explored his mouth after he won over again and he explored mine. It went backnand forth like this for a minute or two longer before we both pulled away panting for air.

It felt right.

"I've... always... wanted to... do... that." Shinso said inbetween his pants for air. "Good." Was my reply. "We a thing ... now?" I said with one final pant for air. "If you want." He said a bit if hopefulness in his voice. "Fuck yea!" I said back grinning like crazy. We walked with each other to our dorms before I changed into my PJ's and passing OUT.

Hey, this is probially how I'm going to end this becaus It seems like a real nice ending and I would like to get to re writing my first Fanfiction, if your waiting for stuff for that it should be comming out fairly soon.

As always have a WONDERFULL DAY!!!!!


(Finished)《¤》D A N G E R O U S《¤》 (Shinso Hitoshi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now