"Do you love her that much that you'd lose your reputation?"
"If it means it's for her I'd do anything."
"I don't know what it is about her that makes me feel this way..."
"I'd die for her"
Me and my co worker Taehyung were working in the company when I got a text from manger Jung that there is gonna be an auction tonight at 7
A faint smirk grew on my face
"This next girl is gonna wish she never met me" I thought to myself
My smirk soon vanishes as I carelessly throw my phone on my desk and continue working
I soon turn around to tell Tae the plans for tonight. He gloomily hums in response as I watch him bang his head on his desk multiple times
I look at stare at him unbothered and get back to work
"Hyung" he says almost sounding like he is gonna bawl his eyes out
I bring me and my office chair towards him and carelessly lift his face to make he look me in the eyes. saw tears running down his face
"What? What. Could possibly. Be bothering you right now?" I ask annoyed
He looks up at me with weary eyes and sighs
"I- I miss Lisa okay?!" He cries out looking back down
I drop my hands off his face and shake my head in disbelief
"Are you seriously crying over a girl?! Give me a better excuse because that better not be it!"
"Hyung! You wouldn't understand cuz you've never been heartbroken before!" He yells at me angrily.
"Oh you have no idea! I have defi-"
He cuts me off. " You have never fallen in love before hyung. All you do is pay for different girls, make them fall in love with you, play with their feelings, then leave them."
"Who the fuck do you think you are talking to me like that? You don't know anything about me! Neither do you know my love life! Don't just jump into conclusions just because of what i do! You are the one crying over Lisa when she cheated on you with your brother! I yell at him irritated.
"Men are not supposed to be heartbroken we supposed to be the heart breakers. Now go clean yourself up cuz the auction starts at 6 you need to go rest."
He stared at me in disbelief and walked away with a clenched jaw. I soon packed my things and left to go home and rest for the next day.
{Time skip} 5:34
As I was sitting down watching my drama I remembered what was gonna happen today and looked at the time. I got up and went upstairs to go put on clothes and get ready I was already done by 5:37pm.
I pulled out my phone to text Taehyung.
Yoongi: Taehyung get yo sad ass up and get ready it's almost 6!
Taehyung: Hyung we're not women we don't need alot of time to change!
Yoongi got suspicious after a minute because he didn't hear from Tae. He suspected he was sleep. He called Tae and he picked up the phone.
Yoongi: I said get your ass up it's 5:39 and your not ready yet?? Hurry the! fuck if your not ready I'm not waiting I'll tell them to start.
Taehyung: Ok goddamn hyung I'm up already chill I'll text you when I'm done I promise.
Yoongi: Bitch Who da fuck do you think yo Donald Trump egg head ass think you talkin to. You better put some respect on my name before I come over there and knock yo umpalumpa looking ass out.And with that he hung up.
I finished getting ready and made my way to the auction when I got a text from Tae saying he's ready. I texted back saying ok. I drove passed his house seeing him getting in his car. I beeped my horn while driving passed him and saw him jump and yell. I love seeing him scared. I chuckled and sped off.
Tae's head: this bitch is sped.
We pulled up to the auction at the same time and he got out of his car first and handed the man his keys to go park the car then he started walking away.
I got out of the car and gave the gentleman my keys so he can go park it.
Tae's car
¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.
Yoongi's car
¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.
I see Taehyung waiting for me and I meet up with him only to be greeted by the entrance men.
"Good afternoon sir I hope you find who your looking for and enjoy!" I smiled back at him and me and Tae signed our names and took our seats.
Y/n p.o.v
I went for a natural look since I really don't like alot if makeup. I was actually impressed on my face.
I was deciding if I should where my pink dress or the black one. I don't know if daddy likes pink or not. I like blue too but they didn't have blue dresses. So I chose the pink dress though because I love pink!
I also decided to dress up my favorite teddy bear! Lillyanne.
¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.
I squealed in excitement and held my teddy bear and the women called my name and said your the next 20.
I held tight on my teddy bear and told her it's gonna be alright.