Chapter 4

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(Stephens P.O.V)

God she's so beautiful, I think to himself as I watches her leave the kitchen.
And she thinks I'm funny too.
"So do u like (y/n) Stephen?" Simon asks.
I panicked a little wondering if he means do I like her as a friend or like like her but I just settle with, "yeah she's great".
"She's peng as well" Harry states while pouring milk into his bowl
Simon gives him a look that says 'what the hell'.
"You're not wrong" I add with a cheeky smile as Simon shoots me the same look
"Oh come on Simon, ur just jealous because u clearly didn't get that gene".
Me and Harry laugh and Simon just says "hey!" and rolls his eyes.
Just then, Will and Alex enter the room
"And do u guys fancy my sister as well then?" Simon asks them.
The both look confused.
"We never said we fancied her mate" Harry says defensively but still a smile on his face
"Someone's a little overprotective" I say, then Simon gives me a look.
"ok I guess ur right, maybe I'm a little overprotective " he admits.
"Right then" Will starts,
"Now that that's over, thanks for letting us stay the night lads"
"No problem mate, did u sleep well at least?" Simon asks
"Ye I actually slept alright thanks, how 'bout you Alex?"
"Fucking shit mate but thanks"
And they all laugh.

I finish up my breakfast and Will and Alex start theirs but I have no where else to go so I decide to just stay in the kitchen.
"So, u guys got any plans for today" Stephen asks the boys.
"Ye we're filming a video today and were gonna ask (y/n) to be in it since she's back and everyone loved her in the last video" Simon responds happily.
"Oh that's nice" Stephen says.
"Actually would u guys wanna be in the video as well, I mean now that your already here?"
"Oh my god I can't believe I'm actually being asked to be in a sidemen video, this is the best day of my life" Alex says with a wide grin
"Ye of course I'll be in it" Will replies
"Same here, wouldn't turn this down for the world" I say with a smile
"Great" Simon laughs.
"So what's the video gonna be then?" Will asks
"We're gonna be playing a game of truth or dare"
"Oooooooh truth or dare with ur sister, I wonder how that's gonna go with a group of lads" will states with a smirk tugging at his lips.
"Listen Lenney, don't be trying to pull my sister in this video" Simon warns
Shit. I think to myself.
"Oh! well then what's the point of even having (y/n) there" I ask with a laugh.
Everyone else laughs too but Simon gives me a warning glare.

- - -

After a while everyone is sitting on the coach but there's a lot of people so Will, Ethan, Tobi and josh are sitting on stools behind us and kon is setting up the camera for the video.
I'm sitting beside (y/n) and I'm pretty happy that I got this seat but Simon is the other side of her so I feel like he's going to be a little overprotective.
"So (y/n) I heard you've been in sidemen videos before"
"Ye I have I think it was a couple months ago it was really fun, have u been in the videos before?" She asks
"Nah sadly I've never had the honor but here I am now" I laugh
She laughs as well before replying,
"Well I'm glad you're here now" she smiles at me and places her hand on my knee. I smile back, looking her in the eyes and wow her eyes are beautiful and- wait did she just say she's glad I'm here, but she's probably just trying to be polite she doesn't like me like that. And why would she? It's only been a day, I'm getting ahead of myself.
"Hey guys, so today's video is sidemen truth or dare but we have some special guests!" Harry exclaims.
"My sister (y/n)!" Simon says and wraps an arm around her
"And the other three" Harry says casually and everyone starts laughing.
"Ye, cheers mate" I say
"Ahaha sorry guys, this is Stephen Tries"
I wave and say hello to the camera,
"WillNE" and he gives a thumbs up,
And "Imalexx" and Alex gives a little wave.
"Alright" Harry says with a clap,"let's get into the video".

Hope u liked this one guys ✌️✌️

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