~Swimming Pools and Star Gazing~

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"Aizawa!!" I cough violently into my elbow. "Aizawaaaaaaaaaa, I'm dyinggg! Help me, send the police..." I yell from my throne of used tissues and cough-drop wrappers.

I hear a loud sigh from down the hall. "You're not dying, you just have a head cold. You'll be fine in twenty-four hours."

"Noo, I was supposed to meet the class at the pool... we were going to train more." I huff disappointedly.

Aizawa pops his head in through the doorway. "Too bad, kiddo. You're not going anywhere until you're all better."

"But... But I even bought a new swimsuit... can't I just go for a little.... a little... achOo!!" I sneeze loudly and grab a tissue to stop my running, yet stuffy, nose. I sigh and lie back down onto the bed.

The sleeping bag-clad man shakes his head. "See? You're not ready. There will be plenty of time to train at the Summer Training Camp."

"Goodbye swimsuit opportunities. Guess I'm staying here." I mumble and roll to my side. "Can you pass me my phone? I want to let Kaminari know I can't make it." Aizawa nods and hands me my charging phone.

I click on Kaminari's contact and start typing.

Once I'm finished I set my phone down and wait for a response. One comes in a few moments.

hey, i'll be there soon.

i can't swim today, tho.

Walmart Pikachu

Cant wait 2 see you!!

R u ok?


"He said it's fine. Maybe we can go somewhere else with the class. I guess I should rest now, right?" I ask with my phone turned under the covers.

Aizawa glances at me then looks back down to his phone. "Yeah. I'm going to head out to the store, do you want anything?"

I shake my head. "I'll be fine."

He nods and leaves the room. Once I hear the door close and see him leave to his car, I get out of bed and tuck pillows under the blanket.

A little cold isn't going to stop me! I want to at least see everyone before Camp starts, and this is probably going to be the last chance.

I change into some casual clothes when I shiver, so I grab my fuzzy blanket and wrap it around my shoulders.

After grabbing a few sick supplies, tissues and a handful of cough drops, I slip on my shoes and walk until I make it to the school.

I sneeze again while making my way to the pool. The corridor smells like chlorine and sunshine. I adjust the blanket around my shoulders; even though it's summer, I still feel cold. Another sneeze escapes me.

Someone calls out to me from my spot before the pool. "(Y/n)! Hey! You made it. You... you look terrible."

I lift my gaze to meet Kaminari's and sniffle. "Wow, how kind. I'm fine, just a little sickish."

"Ish?" Mina raises an eyebrow.

"(Y/n)! Do not push yourself! You need to keep in perfect health in order to be useful in the field as a hero and as a student!" Iida lectures me with rigid arm movements.

I roll my eyes. "I'm fine, really. I need to get out of the house, for a little while at least."

"(Y-y/n), you should be careful." Izuku says from his spot beside the pool.

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