Chapter 6 - Holy Glasses

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Alucard's POV

We reached the throne room. I know Y/N shouldn't be here with me. It's far too dangerous. Whatever brought the castle's lethal, and Y/N is just a human. But, even still, I cannot deny the way my breath swallows her name, the way her eyes inspire my blade, the way every step felt less and less like a burden the further we traveled. We have become partners in battle, and I think together we will be strong enough to face what's next. I will protect her, and so will she.

The air in the room is still and dark, cold touching our whitened breath. Candles gutter darkly, flames that seem to spread inky shadow rather than to consume them. I hear it when Y/N holds her breath beside me, feel her inch closer to my side. We walk slowly forth into the room, hearing only our footsteps. 

A weird laugh curls through the darkness. Suddenly the candle flames seem to brighten. A figure is before us, blue eyes gleaming icily. 

This blood, I know it. The blood of a Belmont. I encountered him earlier, before Y/N was at my side. This Belmont, Richter - acting in a way the other Belmont relation, Maria, told me is nothing like his true self.

"You heard my voice," Richter says, and I realize he's staring at Y/N. I shift to stand in front of her protectively. "You had the dream, didn't you?"

"Y-Yes..." Y/N stammers out, voice filled with uncertainty. 

"Then you are of my blood," Richter says.

"I'm...what?" Y/N steps forward. I gently but quickly grasp her sleeve, my eyes never leaving the man before us. If he called her here, whatever dark force that is grasping at his mind seeks to take hers as well. I will not suffer that to happen.

"It's a lonely life, being a Belmont. One moment of glory every one hundred years, and then, what? Nothing. We are nothing once Dracula is dead. That is why he must be revived again. So we can matter, so we can have meaning in this world!" Richter declares, a reprisal of a speech I heard back in the Coliseum. 

"Dracula shall not be resurrected. Not while I stand here," I counter, readying my blade.

Y/N trembles at the corner of my vision, but I see her ready her staff, the gem glowing like a holy light in this fetid darkness.

Richter attacks. Rapidly snaps and whirls his chain whip. I dodge and fly towards him. A quick slash and then I hop backwards, narrowly avoiding the sting of the lash. A bright bolt of magic bursts against him. He cries out and stumbles. I rush in to take advantage. 

Richter swerves away from me, chain whip crackling out at Y/N. She moves back in time, but the wand is wrested from her hands, its light spilling across the floor in a shrinking beam. Y/N clutches her hand, skin reddened from the painful contact. I jab my saber into Richter's arm. He cries out and flails the whip crazily. 

Y/N dives for her staff. Chain wounds the floor, shooting up a spark. I hear Y/N cry out as she stumbles back as Richter continues to move forward, waving the whip around frenetically.

I rush towards Richter, but there is little opening. I dart in, slash, dart back. But then the chain reaches for me, the pattern changing suddenly. I have little time to react, only enough to fall into a blocking stance. The chain curls around my saber, and the weapon is yanked out of my grasp.

Y/N and I attempt to reach our weapons, but Richter is increasing in pace. I see the whip about to fall upon Y/N and change the course of my steps, throwing myself towards her, to protect her. I must protect her!

Inches from my arms, the whip slices into her cheek. She falls. I catch her up in my arms, pulling her tight against me. I can feel her warm blood leaking down her cheek, instantly dampening my sleeve. She's shaking, whether from pain or adrenaline I know naught. I hug her tighter, scan the ground for my saber. Richter is between me and the blade. I prepare to let go of Y/N, to reclaim my weapon and rain down a brutal ending upon this bastard for harming my Y/N.

 Someone rushes into the room. A blur of green and gold.

It's Maria Renard, cousin of the Belmont. She stops in front of where Y/N and I are gathered together. "Richter! You little bitch!"

Maria jumps into the air. I do not understand what she is trying to accomplish as she sails over his shoulder. But then, just behind him, her hands wrap around a green gem-like orb, bringing its colour our from a cloaking glamour. She clutches it and hurls it to the ground. It shatters like a thrown goblet, vaporous green streaming from its broken depths. 

Richter falls to his knees. A groan rises from his lips. "What...Where...?"

A dark shadow writhes to life behind him, an eerie chuckle splitting the air. My heart clutches in my chest, and I clutch Y/N even closer. 

"No...It cannot be...Not him."

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2020 ⏰

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