Chapter 11

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We walked out the door and Joe ran up to the passenger side door and opened it for me.

"Thanks." I smiled at him as I climbed into his car. He shut the door and ran to the driver's side. He climbed in and looked at me. He smiled at me. His smile that makes my heart flutter.

"Seat belts first." I chuchled. We buckled up and started driving.

"So what's good around here?" He asked me while keeping his eyes on the road.

"I don't know it really depends what you want." I told. I didn't feel like eating because of the feeling afterwards of being fat and having to throw it up afterwards.

"Well do you know any burger places around here?" I thought for a moment and responded back.

"There's this 50's like diner the next street down." I told him.

"Awesome we'll go there!" Well that was easy.

We finally arrived at the resturant and found a parking spot. When I was about to open the door Joe interrupted.

"I'll get it for you." He was so sweet but it wasn't necessary. He unbuckled his seat belt and ran around the car and opened the door for me.

"Thanks but you don't have to do that for me." I said stepping out of the car.

"But it's the polite thing to do." He told me. We walked into the diner and took a seat in a booth. We sat across from eachother. The waitress then came up to us handing us our menus. She was blonde with obviously fake boobs and a shirt that needed to be buttoned. She fluttered her eyes at Joe and kept staring at him. I rolled my eyes looking at the menu.

"What can I get for you today?" She asked looking at the both of us but her eyes lingered towards Joe a bit longer. He looked at his menu for a bit and ordered.

"I'll have a burger and some water." He said expression less not caring about the girl. I tried not to laugh at the disappointment in the girl's face as her flirting didn't phase him.

"What about you, Demi?" Joe said looking over at me smiling and then he winked at me. The girl's face turned red. I laughed a bit but I had to hold it in and I ordered.

"I'll have a salad and some water also." I gave her a fake smile. She looked at me in disgust and turned away. Joe and I both started laughing.

"Did you see how red her face was? Oh man that was great." Joe was still laughing. He gave me a high five. We sat there laughing until our food arrived with the same waitress. She handed us our food and stormed off. We were still sitting there laughing while we ate our food. When we finished, Joe payed for our meals and we walked out. We got in his car and decided to go to the arcade. We walked in and went to the air hockey table.

"I'm gonna beat you at this, Lovato." He smirked as he put in our tokens and we both got on opposite sides.

"Wanna bet, Jonas?" I said smirking back. The air from the table started and we were just about to play.

"Yeah I do. If I win, you owe me $5." He said. Seems easy enough.

"Ok and when I win, you have to go to the fair with me." The fair was in town and I really wanted to go but I didn't have anyone to go with. My sisters didn't want to go and I don't have any friends so I thought Joe would like to go. He thought about it and we shook hands. It was a bet.

We started playing and laughing I almost forgot it was a bet. In the end I won. I cheered and did a little victory dance. He threw his head back laughing and he came up to me.

"Alright when are we going to the fair? And I let you win just saying" He playfully rolled his eyes. I slightly hit his arm.

"Sure you did and how about tomorrow." He nodded his head and we played at the arcade a bit more. We then left and went back home. He opened the door for me and I walked to my porch when he stopped me.

"Well that was a pretty fun date." He said. Date? Did he really just say date? Maybe he did have feelings for me if he considered this as a date. 

"Yeah it was." I haven't had this much fun in a while and if this were to be a date it sure was a good first date.

"So I'll come by tomorrow then." He gave me that smile again that made the butterflies in my stomach grow. Ugh.

"Yeah see ya then." I went in the house and all I thought about was tomorrow.


Demi walked into her house and I started walking back to mine. Today was pretty fun. I'm excited to go to the fair with her tomorrow. I haven't been to a fair since back home when I went with Ashley. I hope when I said the word 'date' today it didn't freak her out too much. She gave me a freaked out look. Maybe she only thought of it as hanging out as friends. Maybe she doesn't feel that way about me as I did to her. I let out a sigh. Hopefully it could all change by tomorrow if I make my move correctly.

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