Chapter 47

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*Few weeks later*


It was April 18th. In 10 days I will be off to New York. I can't help but to be excited for this school orientation. I've been wanting to go to that school ever since I was a kid and now it was becoming a reality. Soon I hope my music career would become a reality as well. NYU has a good music program and I know it will help me a lot with my future. But I will miss Joe. I'll miss seeing his face everyday. I'll miss when he walks me to his classroom and when he picks me up from my house. I'll miss being in his arms and his funny persona. I'll miss the way he cheers me up when I'm upset. It's gonna be a difficult transtition but I know we'll get through this together even if we're gonna be so many miles apart. I know after we both graduate from college that we were gonna get serious and move in together. I could see my future with Joe. Marrying him and spending the rest of our lives together. We'd have two kids and I could imagine them running around in our yard chasing one another. One girl and one boy. They would both look like us. I can't wait when that time comes. I was lying down on my bed when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." The door slightly opened and Joe peaked his head in. He closed the door behind him. I sat up from my bed and scooted over for him to sit down. He sat next to me and wrapped his arm around me as I layed down on his lap. I was gonna miss this as well.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked me in a soft voice while he played with my hair.

"Us. And how I'm gonna miss this when I go.. But I know one thing's for sure." He smiled down at me.

"And what is that?"

"That I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. I can't imagine a future with anyone else but you." I wove my fingers through his hair. His smile got bigger when I said that.

"I can't imagine spending the rest of my life without you too. Maybe one day we could have a family and kids of our own." I smiled at that.

"I'd like that very much." I sat up so now I was sitting on his lap. He rubbed his hand on my back soothingly.

"Really?" He put his face on the crook of my neck kissing it. I held onto his head and ran my fingers through his hair.

"Really." He moved his head from my neck to face me. I then quickly attacked him in a kiss. I moved so I was straddling his waist. He held onto my sides running his hands up and down them. The kissing got intense and got heated really fast. He put his hand up my shirt and I put my hands on the waistband of his shorts. He stopped kissing me before he realized what he was doing.

"We can't do it here. Your parents are home." I let out an agrivated groan. Just then someone knocked on my door. I jumped up quickly and went to go answer it. I opened it and stepped out.

"Demi. We're leaving you home for a while to run a few things. Can I trust you at home by yourself with Joe?" My dad said sternly.

"Yes. We're not gonna do anything don't worry." That was a lie. Right now I was hot and bothered and I wasn't gonna stop it right there.

"Okay be safe. Give us a call if you need anything." My dad gave me a hug and kissed my forehead. He went downstairs and shut the door. I let out a quick breath. I opened the door back to my room and shut it. I smiled at him.

"Well you just got lucky." I crawled back on the bed on top of him.

"I guess I did. Did everyone leave?" I nodded my head. We went back to where we were and before we knew it we were tearing each other's clothes off and made love.

"So Joe I have a question." I said as I bit into the apple. We were in the kitchen and were about to watch a movie.

"Yes my love?" He came around the counter and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Where are you taking me for our anniversary?" I tuned around so I could face him.

"I can't tell you." He smirked. I pouted and gave him my best puppy dog eyes.

"Please?" He chuckled at my attempt.

"Nope sorry." I slightly pushed him away from me as he laughed. The popcorn stopped popping and we put it in a bowl and headed to the living room. We cuddled on the couch as we watched the movie. The soft sounds of the rain hitting the window was soothing. A little while later it started to pour and thunder struck making me jump a little. Joe must have sensed it becase with his arm wrapped around me he started rubbing my shoulder in a soothing way. I would always cherish this moment.


After the movie was over I was about ready to go home. It started to pour while we were watching the movie so I knew I had to get in my house fast before I got soaked. Demi had a coat on and she went to say bye to me while we were on her front porch. Her parents got home a while ago.

"Well until tomorrow then?" I asked her.

"Maybe." She stepped closer to me.

"I have an idea." I said "and you probably won't like it." She was about to question it before I grabbed her and ran with her into the rain onto her driveway.

"Joe!" She said through laughs. We were both laughing and we were getting soaked. I spun her around and finally set her down on her feet. She crossed her arms and playfully glared at me. I mirrored her.

"I hate you." She said. Her hair was starting to stick onto her face. She and I were both completely soaked.

"Well I love you." I moved a piece of her hair sticking from her face away from her face. I slightly cupped her face into my hand. She leaned up slowly and kissed me. The rain kept pouring down on us making us completely soaked from head to toe. When the thunders struck, we slowly pulled away. She smiled and slightly bit her lip.

"I've always wanted that." I was somewhat confused when she said that.

"Wanted what?" I asked her.

"A kiss in the rain." I smiled and kissed her again. Even though she would be leaving for 4 years I kissed her again like this was my last time I would ever feel her lips on me again.

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