13) Break Free

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~4 years before~

I roll to my feet, my daggers gripped tightly in my hands as I watch Cid rush past with a sword gripped in his hand. Sharply, he turns to face me, calm and collected as I gasp for air. Brows pulled together tightly, he runs at me again. I parry a strike with my daggers, making a few slashes in the outer edge of his padded shirt.

"Good," he says when he turns to face me again. "Make attacks of your own; don't just wait for the enemy."

"I'll try," I nod.

Taking a deep breath, I sprint at him, sliding across the ground to avoid the slow swing of his sword. Obviously, he's going easy on me. If he was really trying, he could kill me with his pinky. This move, however, caught him by surprise. He looks pleased when he raises his blade to parry a strike I try to make with my knives, using only his arm to fight back. The rest of him is as still, strong, and solemn as a statue. Frustrated, I step back, crossing my arms.

"I'll never beat you."

"That's not the point," Cid shakes his head. "You're learning defensive maneuvers and counterattacks well through this method. You're still young, Marhi. It'll be a very long time before you'll be able to fight me. It takes years to develop these skills to the point of second nature."

"Years?" I repeat in disbelief, throwing back my head and groaning loudly. "I'll never be strong enough!"

"The years go by faster the more that come by, trust me," he laughs, beckoning with his sword. "Come on; just a little while longer. Until Mom comes home, at least."

"Just face me with, like, half of your strength?" I beg, kicking at the ground.

"No," he scoffs, shaking his head. "Cassie'll kill me."


"You really want me to?"

"Yeah! Don't be cocky, I can do it!"

"Alright, get ready." He steps back and I plant my feet, staring at him hard with determination fueling my every movement. His blue eyes sparkling, Cid shakes his head. "Remember, you asked for this. Don't go crying to Mom."


I'm flat on my back before I even see my brother move, gasping for air. I roll over quickly to avoid the flash of a sword that strikes the ground beside my head. I scramble to my feet, gripping my daggers with shaky hands. Cid rushes at me with speed I never knew he had; I dive back to the ground to evade an attack. Slightly panicked and desperate not to lose, I push myself back up and run at him, ducking under his blade and reaching out to cut at his shirt. His elbow strikes my spine and flattens me to the floor yet again. I roll onto my back, gasping for air. Relentless, he raises his sword and rushes at me. On instinct, I stretch out my palms, cringing and turning my face away.

The sound of metal hitting concrete rings in my ears. At the very same moment, a scalding heat burns the smooth skin of my hands, but only for a moment. All my hairs stand straight on end; my fingers tremble uncontrollably as I sit up, looking up at Cid. For the first time in my life, he looks lost for words, his eyes wide and his breaths ragged. His face is white as a ghost and fear strikes me harder than his blade ever could.

"Wh-what happened?" I stammer, pleading him for an answer.

"I don't..." Cid falls to his knees at my side, gripping my wrists and whipping his head around. My heart skips a beat; he's checking to see if anyone else saw. "What did you do?"

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