Chapter 5

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Derek and Stiles jumped away from each other as a flat voice rang in their ears, the frail boys dotted cheeks grew warm. A patronising chuckle broke the awkward silence.

"Really nephew? Making out on the couch like some teenagers. Didn't think that was your style.."
Amber eyes turned to the sassy male voice, they surveyed a tall, built body with a coy smirk displayed on a youthful face. Grocery bags laid in strong arms as the new arrival casually walked into the adjacent kitchen.
"Don't do anything I wouldn't do. And use protection!"

Two sets of cheeks blushed as an awkward silence followed, only broken by the new man putting the previously mentioned groceries away. Nimble fingers nervously fiddled with a lose thread on the bottom of his loose t shirt. Muscular arms folded in front of a broad chest as Derek cleared his throat with an air of awkwardness and determination. With a distinctive look of hesitance rough, calloused hands softly gripped into the softer pair in front of them. Amber orbs glanced up as those same firm hands rubbed soothing circles into a soft palm, cheeks grew warm and lips tugged at the corners. This felt nice..

"Aww. How cute. And rude, aren't you going to introduce me nephew?" A cocky voice interrupted the tender moment with an air of confidence. Throats were cleared and cheeks turned hot pink.
"Peter..this is Stiles my- well Stiles this is Peter, my uncle.."
Cue more awkwardness, curtesy of Derek Hale. Though Stiles wondered what Derek was about to call him...and this Peter guy..seemed kinda creepy to him. Then again he did just meet the guy so he wasn't going to judge him too quickly. But he definitely liked Derek.

"Well then, hello Stiles. Don't worry I don't mind if you two make noise, actually id quite enjoy if you did"
And more blushing. God Stiles didn't think he'd ever blushed this much in his whole life. His poor cheeks would probably never cool down..

"Nice to meet you..kinda..." At least he was being honest. Peter smirked slightly at the nervous boy in front of him. He could have some fun with this.

"Well it's definitely nice to meet you. Derek hasn't brought such an..attractive friend over in quite some time.." His cocky smirk only grew wider and wider with each word he spoke in a confident suggestive tone. Oh yes he could have fun with this...
Those dotted cheeks grew warm once again. God he couldn't catch a break here, could he? In truth all he wanted to do was curl up in Derek's arms and feel safe again..though he didn't know why he felt so safe, and so suddenly too. It normally took Stiles at least a few months to feel comfortable around someone, but with Derek everything came naturally as if they'd been together for years rather than just having met a few hours ago..and here they were making out on the couch! God this Peter guy must think he was some slut Derek brought home!

"Well, it was nice meeting you Stiles. I'm going to have to leave though unfortunately..but we can most definitely hang out later..alone.."

Well then. That was definitely suggestive, putting it politely anyway..putting it bluntly he was flirting. And in front of Derek too..
The door closed after Peter with a soft click, after that an awkward silence reigned over the house. Seems all Stiles was going to experience when living here was awkward silences, too much blushing and the occasional nice times with Derek. Stiles didn't mind that last one but he could do with less of the other two... But at least that creepy uncle was gone.

A growl suddenly emitted from behind the pale boy. A deep, animalistic sound so unexpected it made the poor boy jump a mile in the air, which grew tense as if waiting for something bad to happen. Though the outcome of this foreboding event was unclear. The frail boy chanced a look behind him only to reel back in confusion and distress at the two glowing scarlet eyes and sharp teeth looking back at him. Another animalistic growl emitted from the once calm, quiet brooding male. Bony shoulders shook with fright as the growling continued in a quiet volume only to still as those terrifying sounds turned into puppy like whimpers. What the hell was going on?!

Derek didn't mean to distress his mate, he was just so..angry..that Peter daren't imply he was going to ever touch HIS MATE. So he growled..maybe a little unnecessarily but he just felt infuriated. It was the pull to his mate. His beautiful, lovely mate...but then he smelt the overwhelming distress rolling off the boy in heaps and waves, he just felt so guilty he'd scared him. Stiles had been through more than enough fright in his life, he didn't need anymore god dammit! But no he couldn't control the damn growling.. So now he was going to comfort his mate.

" 'm sorry...I-I didn't mean to.." He couldn't get the fucking words out. Seeing the scared look on that beautiful face brought forth an ache in his chest. He'd done that. He had scared his mate. But he was going to fix it.
Approaching Stiles as if he were a scared cornered animal Derek slowly raised his hands to show he meant to harm before he gently, as possible for someone with his amount of muscle, wrapped his arms around bony shoulders. They shook softly for a few seconds before settling into the warmth that surrounded them. His inner wolf howled in content to finally, finally, have his mate in his arms.

God could Stiles get used to this, being wrapped up in strong arms and leaning against a firm yet strangely comfortable chest. He'd never felt so content in his life, and he'd had curly fries with a vanilla milkshake. Great, now he craved curly fries. Derek just seemed to have a natural calming heat emitting from his body, a soothing warmth just resonating from him. You definitely wouldn't hear Stiles complaining about it. Ever.

Derek felt so happy to be able to hold his mate like this, sure he'd had some relationships before meeting Stiles but they never worked out for some reason or another. But mates were different. They were perfectly matched for each other in every way so there was very little chance that it wouldn't work out. But there was definitely a big chance of a human rejecting a mate, due to the whole supernatural being thing. And that was exactly what was holding Derek back from spilling everything to Stiles. The chance of rejection. If his mate didn't accept him..what was he supposed to do?..
But he couldn't not tell him, especially after their little "session" on the couch earlier. It would be wrong of him to keep stuff like this from his mate, he wanted Stiles to know he could trust him. And the only way to do that was to tell him the truth. All of it..even if he was to be rejected...

"Stiles?..I have something I need to tell you.."
Curious amber eyes gazed up at him as he stressed out his speech to show his seriousness about what he was going to reveal. With a shaky breathe Derek told the frail boy...everything. About werewolves. About mates. About how he felt.. It took him a long time with various pauses and gentle squeezes to the boy's shoulders, to reassure himself that Stiles was still there, that he hadn't run away..that he hadn't been rejected yet..

All throughout Derek's rare long speeches, Stiles just stayed silent as a mute. Processing what this gentle giant was saying and thinking carefully about what to say. To be honest at first he had thought the muscled man was simply joking but..he soon realised this wasn't a joke. Derek was a werewolf, a real one. And he was Derek's mate..which was so..confusing made Stiles feel happy. Be belonged somewhere after years of feeling lost and alone. He could be with Derek...he'd always found werewolves kinda fascinating and cool. Besides he really liked him, like a lot. So when those beautiful speckled eyes looked at his with such hesitance and expectancy he knew exactly what he was going to say when asked if he wanted to be with Derek...

"Yes..yes I do.."

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