Chapter 28: Boyfriend

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I wake up and notice that there's a crowd forming around me.
I'm still in Jordan's arms.
After that whole time I had blacked out he never put me down.
I look to my left and see Skyler with a first aid kit. She always wanted to be a nurse. At first I get a little nervous seeing her with a first aid kit near me but she seems like she has it under control.
Jordan notices my eyes open and stands me up. He hugs me and I nestle my head into his chest.
The crowd that gathered soon got bored when I woke up leaving Skyler alone with Jordan and I hugging.
"I don't like to third wheel so, buh-bye!" She said with a wave. I smile at her and then turn my head back into Jordan.
"Wait Skyler," he calls out. I'm surprised to see him calling her. Ever since the fight Skyler and I had, there was always an awkward tension between him and her. I knew he didn't trust her; which is why I was surprised when I heard him say, "thanks for your help!"
She smiles and waves us off.
I turn back to Jordan. I raise an eyebrow at him. "What was that about?"
He smirks at me. "You'll see..." He says evilly.
I pull away from our hug and hit his arm. I cross my arms and stare at him with my eyebrows raised.
"Tell me!"
He laughs and pulls me back into a hug, stroking my hair. I keep my arms crossed.
"It's a secret!" He whispers I'm my ear.
I pout. He rolls his eyes at me playfully.
"She helped me think of a plan to stop them."
Suddenly the warm feeling in my stomach turned cold as I remembered what was going to happen. Jordan notices that my smile has left my face and tries to comfort me.
"Revenge." I say rather than ask.
He raises an eyebrow at me. I suddenly feel guilty. I don't want to repeat our last break up because my heart turned evil.
"Sorry," I say looking down. "I- I didn't mean that..."
We stand there in silence for a while. It starts to get awkward. The only time I’ve ever had an awkward silence with Jordan was when we were on our first date. I don't know what to do. I'm suddenly afraid to open my mouth.
He breaks the silence. "Come on, time to go!"
The next thing I know my feet are lifted off the ground. He throws me over his shoulder and holds me by my legs. I grab a bunch of shirt on his back so support myself.
"What are you doing?" I squeal trying not to laugh.
"I'm taking you somewhere. You don't think I'm going to let my girlfriend walk around just after she fainted do you?"
I smack his back. "I know how to walk," I say pouting. He chuckles, "where are we going anyway?" I ask.
"It's a surprise."
Again? Really Jordan?
I decide not to get angry at him this time.
After about five minutes of walking I get uncomfortable and start to wriggle on his shoulder.
"Are we there yet?" I whine.
He groans. "Unfortunately, no! Stop wriggling Camryn!"
I keep wriggling so he will stop. He gets annoyed and smacks my butt.
"JORDAN!!" I scream. My cheeks turn red and I stop scrambling.
He just touched my butt! He starts laughing. "Not funny!" I squeal. He continues to laugh.
"Jordan put me down!" I keep whining.
His annoyed attitude suddenly became amused and took my whining as a reason to keep tormenting me.
"Almost there," he says, "just a few more minutes."
"Ugh!" I groan, "this is uncomfortable!"
He laughs, "don't you like it when I hold you?" He mocks.
"Not like this." I spit.
"There there Cammy Bear," he chimes, "oh hey, that rhymes."
I roll my eyes as he begins to sing "There there Cammy Bear," for the next two minutes.
Then he finally stops.
He puts me down and kisses my cheek, "we're here!"
I go to stand up without his support but my legs have pins and needles and decide to give up. I fall and he holds my arms to keep me up.
I fall onto his chest. I put my hands on his chest for support. This is like the position I was in with Jai the other day. Except I prefer to look at Jordan way more.
I suddenly lift my eyes up to his. I see him lose himself in my blue eyes as I lose mine in his brown eyes.
I flick my eyes down to his lips and back up to his eyes.
He smiles and leans in closer.
I lean in closer too.
Then I bring my arm off his chest and suddenly hit him.
"That," I say stepping away from his embrace, "was for smacking my bum!"
I smirk and turn away leaving him shocked.
It's just then that I notice where we are. We're at the milkshake shack where we had our first date. Recovering from the shock he comes up beside me smiling. He puts his arm around my waist.
"Worth the wait?" He asks me.
I turn my head and face him raising an eyebrow. "If it were anyone else, I would probably kill them."
He laughs.
I continue, "but because it's you; then yes, it was worth the wait."
I stand on my tippy toes and plant a kiss on his cheek.
He grins.
He links his arm with mine and we enter the diner. We make our way to the same booth as last time and sit next to each other holding hands under the table. I lean my head on his shoulder and we stay like that for a while.
He gets out his phone and take a photo of us.
I give him a questioning look.
"I don't want this moment to ever end. So I captured it." He says before he kisses me softly on the lips.

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