The club I signed into 🌺

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While Diana explains the plan of today. Let me tell you about these people. Diana is the daughter of the noble family Firus. She is technically like a super nerd when it comes to planning and combat.She also is in love with cute things. She's a third year. Cloe and Haddie kids of the Maythus clan, known for the swordery and speed. Cloe and Haddie can both design anything really fast. There second years. Violet Valentine a daughter of the most famous cafe and Dancer but she's known for her strength and ability to find peoples weak spots fourth year and Lu Memphis son of a lawyer so you know he knows how to get things done, fourth year But to be honest Alina, Diana and Cloe are kinda like masicis. They love the pain conflicted by others, maybe too much though. They show it a lot in this club. I've never seen Alina like this.

So, Am I suppose to watch out for Alina now
Nah just don't step in her boundaries, which I doubt you'll do.
Oh Good

Anyways I assigned us up for the challenge ability test.
I'm...what's that
It's a training for us to see what we need work on. Since your new we won't know much yet.
Get ready Mikaela because this Club will change you for the better.

Oh great what did I just get myself into.

I guess but no more conflict please haha
Sorry conflict is my middle--

Violet hit Diana again.

Ouchhh Violet
You trying to scare her
Sorry I got all worked up. But I've never felt this good in a while. I love it.

And that's my qu to go. I walked out of the club and saw Zen from across away.

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