The process

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Looks like we have a lot worked out for her
Considering she was once Zens friend, he must have had something bad happen to him that resulted to him doing that
Understanding why they bullied her. She's too sweet and nice. We need to do something about that.
Yeah of course
You used to be like that and then... Lu came in
What you mean by that? I am still nice!
Yes yeah sure
Ughh Violet

I was running to class and I bump into someone. Ughh today is not my lucky day. I looked up and it was Zen. I felt my heart racing. I calmly got up and looked down.

Umm.. Sorry

I was about to run but Zen grabbed my hand.

Wait hold on
Let go I am about to be late
Hold on

Zen then turned me and I crying.. He looked at my eyes. I then yanked my arm away and then ran.. Ugh why!! I finally ran made it to class and it was English, Sato was talking to these girls and then saw me crying. I try to cover my face but he already saw me.. He pushed me outside and then checked my face. He wiped my face and then gave me a hug.

It's okay Mikaela.. I am here

I then started crying on him. Zen came to talk to me but he saw Sato hugging me. He then walked away, Sato saw him.

We then came in the classroom and I sat next to Sato. Class began and I started doodling on my notebook. Sato was smiling at me while I was doodling. The teacher called me up to call people in groups. Great here we go again.

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