Chapter 1

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Sorry for the grammatical errors, English is not my first language, anyways, enjoy.

First Year

London, England

The morning of September 1st, entering the platform 9¾ full of parents saying good-bye to their child ren and those children just wanting for the year to start like it was the most normal thing in the world, was the place and time where Beth realized that none of this was a dream and she was in fact not being pranked on.

In her short 11 years of life, she had never felt particularly special. Sure, her life was what any person could say perfect, she lived with her parents and little brother in the small town of Whitby, they had a nice house, she attended a nice school and knew almost everybody in the town (but she wasn't afraid to admit that it was starting to get boring, always the same routine, the same people, never anything exciting or new). So it was a big surprise for everyone when a man came to her house to explain to her family that she was a Witch.

The kind man explained to her family as best as he could about the wizarding world and what it meant, also that she had to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and after what seemed like hours of discussion between the adults it was decided that she was going to attend this school.

She and her parents had bought all her school supplies from the list that the kind man gave to her, In the Diagon Alley, a place so strange but so interesting at the same time, she had already bought her books, robes, her wand (the most existing part for her), cauldron, even an Owl which she named Sunny (not so pleasant for her dad). But it still felt unreal, like at any moment someone was going to tell her that this was all a joke and she had to attend the normal school in her boring city.

The whole journey to King's cross Beth could stop talking about everything she was going to do when arriving at Hogwarts; because she was apparently the only magical person in her family no one knew exactly what to expect so she got nervous, and when Beth gets nervous, she can't stop talking.

Since the kind man told her about all of this, she couldn't help but wonder what was all like, but little did she know none of the things she imagined was even a portion of the things she had yet to live.

Her father helped with the things as the warning whistle blow from the majestic train that was the Hogwarts express; she quickly said goodbye to her mom and gave a handshake to her brother, one last and long hug to her father and then she finally entered the train.

All she could see from the window was parents crying and waving to their children, she smiled to herself feeling her nerves grow. She began her way looking for a compartment to sit finding almost all of them already full, luckily at the end of the train there was a free compartment, there only was a blonde girl, kind of her age, reading a book with her head against the window.

"Sorry! everywhere is already full, mind if I sit here?" The words came a little too loud, making the girl raise her head and look directly to Beth who was standing awkwardly at the door.

"Sure." Was the only thing the girl said, giving Beth a small smile and continuing to read her book.

Beth returned the smile and put her things inside the compartment, then she sat at the opposite side of the girl and began to be her talkative self.

"I'm Beth nice to meet you!" She offered a hand to the girl who closed her book, put it in next to her and shook the other girl's hand.

"I'm Leah Williamson nice to meet you too" She took a better look at the blonde with beautiful blue eyes, but not as blue as hers. An awkward silence filled the place after shaking hands.

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