BONUS CHAPTER 3: Jungkook X Yoongi

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After entering the car, I started the engine and head our way to the restaurant. While I was driving some good memories went back to my mind and It makes me smile wide which didn't get unnoticed by my wife who was beside me.

"Why are you smiling Kookie?" she asked so I look at her for a second before averting my gaze back at the road

"Nothing, I just remembered the day we met Yoongi hyung" I answered and she herself chuckled

"No wonder you were smiling so wide, I myself still find it funny even to this date" she said smiling like me

"He was so grumpy that day, that even Jiyeon don't know what to do" I said while I reminisce some old memories

"What did you told me once you saw him? The grandpa with a strong mood swings?" she asked and I laughed at the nickname I gave him.

Now I just can't help to think about that day even more, the day we met him and his wife at the wedding dress boutique


Shin Hye and I entered the shop and went to the reception desk to make an appointment for the day, so that my future wife can try out some dress she can wear for our wedding, of course I won't be checking it out myself because it has to be a surprise. I trust her with all my might when it comes to a good dress she has a great taste so I'll let her be.

"Good morning ma'am and sir, what can I do for you today" the receptionist asked politely

"Oh, we are here to make an appointment for my future wife" I said boldly and proudly emphasizing the word 'future wife'

"Really? Well you are very lucky sir, you are the first ones to make an appointment and reservation for today, means you can go ahead inside now, I am pretty sure that one of our clerks are waiting for you inside" she said and we smiled at her

"Thank you" we said before entering the main room where indeed a clerk was waiting for us

"Hey you don't have to do that" Shin Hye whispered as we walk inside the mentioned room

"Do what?" I innocently asked even though I know exactly what she was talking about

"Proclaiming to the world that I am going to be your wife" she said and I smiled

"Why? It's not wrong though" I said and she hides her face

"It's embarrassing" she said and I chuckled

"It's not embarrassing, it's better to tell everyone that I am getting married than to have girls swooning over me" I confidently said before earning a slap on the arms

"You are too confident, shut it" she said and I softly laughed

"Good Morning ma'am, sir" the clerk said once she saw us

"Good morning" we greeted back and she smiled

"Okay to start off, May I know any precise style you want to see and try out ma'am?" the clerk asked Shin Hye, but when she was about to answer we heard an argument from the other side; it was from the reception desk to be exact.

"THAT BOY IS GETTING INTO MY NERVES, HE SHOULD KNOW HIS PLACE" We heard a guy yell and the clerk sighed

"The walls are supposed to be sound proof but I guess it's not anymore" he said and we were shocked to know that info

"WHY SHOULD I CALM DOWN, HE IS BEING ANNOYING" We heard him again, maybe someone told him to calm down

The whole place become silent for a while until another couple entered the main room, one was looking really apologetic and one was looking really grumpy. We look at the two of them until another clerk went to them and directed them to somewhere else.

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