Chapter 4 = A Talking Surprise

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Third POV

"I still don't understand why this human would help us" said the green and yellow mer, named Ratchet. The others looked at the sleeping human in both curiosity and nervousness.

"I do not understand it either, but we are fortunate that she has helped us" said the red and blue mer, named Optimus.

"It would seem Bumblebee enjoys the human's company. He has not shown any fear towards her" the silver mer, named Jazz stated, staring at the young mer, as he nuzzles into the humans embrace. Optimus nodded.

"Yes, those two have definitely grown on each other" Optimus stated, also staring at the two sleeping figures.

"I still don't trust her. Humans have caused us nothing but trouble our whole lives" growled the black mer, known as Ironhide.

"I agree" stated Ratchet, crossing his arms.

"Whether we trust her or not, it is clear she won't let us go until our wounds have healed" said Jazz.

"That may not be a bad thing" he added on.

"Of cause, it's a bad thing. Humans are evil, and we shouldn't trust them" growled Ironhide.

"Calm down" ordered Ratchet.

"Hey, did anyone else notice the blank look to the human's eyes, even though she has a kind and caring smile?" asked Jazz, curiously. Ironhide shivered.

"Yeah, I did. When she looked me in the eyes earlier. It was like having a staring match with death itself" Ironhide said, a little frightened.

"I noticed it too. Whatever the reason for it is, it would be best not to anger the human. She seems to have no problem with pointing a weapon at us" Ratchet stated, remembering when Ironhide was shot and put to sleep.

"Strange though. All it did was put me to sleep and numb the pain of the wound" Ironhide replied, with narrowed eyes.

"Really?" asked Ratchet. Ironhide nodded. It became silent between the mers as they watch the human.

"We should get some sleep, we'll try to figure things out in the morning" stated Optimus. The others nodded, and settled down at the bottom of the pool. Optimus stayed near the human to keep an eye on Bumblebee during the night. With that they were all asleep.

May's POV

I'm awake, but my eyes are still closed. I was lying on my back. I could feel a weight on my stomach and opened my eyes to see the yellow and black mer, resting his upper body on me, with his fish tail out to the side, and hanging slightly in the water. I look up to notice the sky getting brighter, indicating the sun was rising. A shiver runs through me and I feel eyes on me. I look to my right to see the red and blue mer resting on the side of the pool, with his tail completely in the water, watching me.

"Oh, it's you. Good morning. Did you rest well?" I ask softly. The mer just nodded its head, which caused me to smile.

"That's good. I'll check over everyone's wounds later after breakfast" I stated, looking back up at the brightening sky. The wind swirled around peacefully, and put a small smile on my face.

"Why are you helping us?" questions a voice. My head whipped round to stare at the red and blue mer, with a surprised expression. I mean, I knew they could talk, I just didn't think they would actually trust a human enough to speak to one, especially after what they have been put through. I shook off my surprise.

"Because it's the right thing to do and because I promised I would protect the world and it's creatures, no matter who, or what they are" I answered, trying to keep the sadness out of my voice. The mer was silent after my reply.

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