New year. New trouble.

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Harry's pov.

New year ,new trouble. Can't wait. As I walked toward the mess hall Prof. Snape pulled me aside and told me to help with the first years (Everyone who died is back to life except Voldemort.) "Fine, Traiter." I said as I walked away. (I have a thing against Snape) He looked mad but, I didn't really care. "Harry! Over here!" Hermione called. "Hey, how you guys doing? You know after the break up." I ask. (Ron and Hermione broke up and so did Ginny and Harry) "Pretty good actually." Ron replies. Ron quickly glances over at the Slytherin table. "Ron, who are you looking at?" I ask. "N-no one!" Ron stutters. "Ron, who were you staring at." Hermione says giving Ron the "tell me or else" face "J-just a hot guy" He mumbles. "What was that? A hot guy you say, go on." Ginny says. "Ginny!" Ron yells blushing a little. "Got a crush?" I ask. "N-no!" Ron stutters blushing more now. Then a 8th year from the Slytherin table walks over and asks Ron if he's free this weekend Ron says "I am Blaise." "Well wanna hang out?" Blaise asks. "Sure!" Ron replies happily. Blaise skips back to his table and Ron just blushes & starts to eat his toast. "Got a date, Ron?" I ask. "W-what?!  N-no, I-I um uh I-I uhhh... W-what?!" Ron stutters blushing like crazy. Then Malfoy yells "Then why you hiding?!" Then Blaise mumbles something about Ron. "Students welcome. A new year , a new beginning. You may be wondering how me and many others are back to life, well 3 new students brought us back with a spell they created." Dumbledore announces. Malfoy starts giggling. I glanced over at him & he looked back. I make it look like I'm looking away but I'm secretly watching him. He blushes & bites his bottom lip nervously. Cute. "& they had no wands at all!" Hagrid yells. Then A small voice asks "Can we come out now?" "Of course you may." Dumbledore replies. 3 short kids (My OCs!) walk in, the shortest 1 dragging Prof.Snape. "Look what I cought!" She yells (I cought Snape😂). The hall fills with laughter and Malfoy falls out of his seat laughing. The 3 kids walk up to Dumbledore still dragging Prof.Snape along.

Draco pov.

I was talking to Blaise & Pansy when Harry walked in. Blaise glanced at the Griffendor table and cought someone staring back. After like a minute he walked over and asked Ron out in his own way & skips back over. "Got a date, Blaise?" Pansy asks. "W-what?! N-n-no!" Blaise stutters trying to hide his blushing face. "Then why you hiding?!" I yell. "Cause I don't want Ron to see me blushing." Blaise mumbles. Then Dumbledore starts his speech like usual but when he says 3 kids brought him and others back to life. I giggle some. Potter glances at me then quickly looks away.....why did I find that oddly hot?! I blush slightly & bites my bottom lip nervously. After a few minutes the 3 kids walk in dragging Prof.Snape. I fall out my seat laughing with everyone else. One yells "Look what I cought!!!" "OMG!!!" Pansy says. Blaise chuckles.

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