Half-ass Patronus

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Harry's pov.

I found out I'm related to the brown fluff ball and her cousins. Werid. Well I have to head to charms..... witch I have with Malfoy and the fluff balls. (He's calling me a fluff ball XD) Better hurry.

×time skip to charms class still Harry's pov×

I walk into charms. Dumbledore teachs charms. I see the fluff balls Leveosa-ing Malfoy. Heh. I found a empty seat. Class is starting now. "Today Sansia is gonna show us an animal transformation. It's not going to be full animal or full human. Sansia?" Dumbledore says. Sansia walks to the front and transforms. It's pretty cool even if there's a cloud of blue smoke. It's clearing. Wow! Her hair is blue now and she has a dark blue streak in her hair. Her ears and tail are blue as well. "The streak in my hair is a fake soulmate streak. But when the twins transform they get 2 different colored streaks that are right beside each other. It means they have 2 soulmates." Sansia states. "Who wants to see their half animal form?" Everyone raised their hand except me and Malfoy. "Harry. Draco. Come up here." She says. "I know that the students that don't raise their hands need more help. I'm that kind of student." We walk up and she pulls out her wand. "There's gonna be a puff of smoke, and while u're in that puff of smoke u will transform." She says then starts the spell. Black smoke swirled around me and yellow around Draco. "The color of the smoke determines the color u're hair will change. For some it will stay the same." She says then the smoke clears. "Draco Malfoy. Is a ferret. Pffft! Hahaha!" She bursted out laughing. "Harry is a wolf deer hybrid." She says in between giggles. "Hybrid?" I ask. "It means that u're half wolf & half deer. U have deer horns, wolf ears & wolf tail. I'm a hybrid 2 but a different kind." She says. Malfoy's ferret ears perk up when Dumbledore trys to calm the students down as they laugh. His ears go down & he looks a little sad....... Sansia did the spell on Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Blaise, and Pansy. Pansy and Blaise are Malfoy's friends. Ron likes Blaise and Blaise likes Ron. It's funny how Ron reacts when we tease him about it. Ron is a red dragon. Hermione is a fox. Ginny is a panther. Luna is a cat. Blaise is a black dragon. Pansy is a wolf. "The half-assed Patronus spell will last at least 8 to 9 months." Sansia says. I look at Ron and Hermione. Then me, Ron, Hermione, Malfoy, Blaise, and Pansy yell "WHAT?!" She looks at us and says; "U guys will be stuck like that for 8 to 9 months. Don't worry Dumbledore already knew and said I could cast it on 8 students." She smiles.

×time skip to a few hours later×

Draco's pov.

I got new classes and a new dorm. This is the worst. The dorm is nice but I have to share a room with Potter! Blaise has to share a room with a Weasley. Ron Weasley to be exact. Pansy is sharing with Granger. Lovegood is sharing with Ginny Weasley. All my new classes are shared with those 7. Right now I'm sitting on my new dorm bed listening to 'all the kids are depressed' by Jeremy Zucker. It's a good song. I've got headphones on. The song will change sooner or later. I'm singing along. I didn't hear the door creak open or hear Potter walk in see/hear me. My eyes were closed. But then he poked me and I hide under my bed. I've never been so embarrassed. Potter was laughing his arse off..... and I'm a blushing mess. Great. Just kill me. Pls. ;-;

Harry's pov.

I walked into my new dorm room to see Malfoy listening to music & singing along. I walked closer & listened. All the kids are depressed...... hmm. I decided to poke him. Best idea ever. He jumped falling off his bed & hiding underneath. I was laughing my arse off.

×few hours later still Harry's pov.×
"Come out Malfoy." I say as Malfoy slinks farther into the dark side of the underneath of his bed. Merlin's beard! I crawled underneath & grabbed him by his waist. "H-hey!" He yelled as I pulled him out. He was blushing. Maybe because I grabbed him by the waist or maybe........... he likes me

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