Short Measure: "Normalcy"

10 1 0

My life is very normal.

There's nothing to report.

I clean the shower once a week,

it doesn't take much thought.


My life is very normal.

The days are very short.

I'm rushed and busy all the time,

excitement of a sort.


I'm doing well, surviving.

I'm holding up the fort.

I live as I am meant to live,

I do as I was taught.


And life goes on as normal.

I've nothing to report.

Just moments hanging in the air

as days are sold and bought.


What happened to the hours

spent wasting precious time?

What happened to the day in which

my life was really mine?


Somehow we got older.

Somehow we were caught.

We failed to be exceptional,

we're nothing of the sort.


Our days are very busy.

Our lives are very short.

Our hours have been given up

without a second thought.


Our lives are very normal - 

or, that is what we're taught.

A normal life's the common ground

on which a battle's fought.

Half-Remembered Melody - The AttysWhere stories live. Discover now