Chapter 20. The drunken feast.

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The nobles all sat around the oak table, so beautifully lit by candles. There was plenty of ale and berry wine to drink. It was a small but pleasant celebration. One by one, they brought each dish to the table. Richard and Catarina had won three pheasants; then the rest to follow: One young yet small boar, 7 more pheasants and the doe. But Elizabeth and Henry weren't the only pair to bring back venison to the table. Two courtiers brought back a stag, a large and boisterous one at that. Everybody's face at that table dropped in amusement. They had hunted these woods too often and to bring back a stag was a grand achievement; because of the lack of game.

"You lucky bastard," one gent shouted in laughter. The deer truly outshone the pheasants at the table. The two gentlemen that had won the deer were great friends of Henry's. Henry had grown up with these two men, hence the reason for inviting them on the hunt. They both took a bow, making everyone at the table erupt in further laughter. It was a pleasant sight for Elizabeth to be involved with so close friends of Henry's.

"Who killed the other deer, was it you Henry or the beautiful northerner on your arm?" Richard Thomas darted across the dining table in a tease. Before giving Henry a chance to speak, the lady Elizabeth rather drunk on ale held her hand up.

"Well, I killed the deer, at least Harry here spotted it," The lady cockily spoke to make everyone laugh further. Henry smiled at the comment. He didn't find her mocking hilarious. But he tried not to take the comment to heart. He knew she hadn't meant it in such an offensive way. Lizzy was right to make the joke as the rest of the room fell about the floor in fits of laughter; Richard Thomas especially.

"Well you may have shot deer, but we have yet to taste whose win is the best" One lord shouted above the laughter.

After a shank of each meat had been cooked in the kitchens by the stewards they were carved by the killer. Of course, Henry let Lizzy carve their wins after she had already grabbed the knife and placed it over the meat. Each meat was a beautiful sort; however, the pheasant didn't go down quite as well as the deer and boar. The gentlemen had decided it was actually the boar that tasted the best letting the competition of the deer fizzle out. After their bellies were full the group sat in front of the fire singing songs, telling stories and getting drunk with one another. It was a really pleasant evening. Even Catarina had come out of her shell and began playing games of cards with other lords and Richard. Soon enough the party had grown tired after the drink and food had made them ready for their beds.

"Good eve, I'm afraid this food and drink have tired me out" One courtier retired, following with a few more. It was at this time that the lady and Catarina had decided to go to sleep themselves.

"We are also ready to retire now, thank you for a grand day all," Lizzy added as she and Catarina stood from their chairs. Henry also followed them in standing and he grabbed the ladies arm forcefully as he whispered in her ear.

"You're not allowed to retire yet, we need to speak" The words from Henry's mouth seemed aggressive. Elizabeth's heart sunk as his behaviour was rather unexpected. She gave a simple nod to her friend seamstress as Henry took her by arm and guided her outside. They both stood there in a complete silence masked by the large noise of gents indoors. Henry turned away from Lizzy choosing his angry words carefully. The lady stood there in suspense as her surrounds spun around her in a drunken state.

"Did you have to embarrass me to? Could you not see the way they laughed at me? "Henry turned to Lizzy waiting on her reaction. The lady moved her head back in shock and a firm look of disgust passed her face.

"What on earth are you talking about?!" Elizabeth shot back in defence. Henry harrumphed and shook his head.

"Saying the win was just yours, what happened to a joint effort that you so excitedly spoke off?" Patronisingly the Tudor spoke.

"Oh how insecure you must be of gentlemen to say such things, I'm so sorry I offended your manly hood" The lady sarcastically and meanly spat at the royal.

"Me insecure? If anyone is it's that Fucking king that beds your sister. I have no idea why I waste my time with women of your sort!" Henry spat back in the ladies face.

"I guess you are just like your sister, over spoken and over-privileged!" The roar of Henry's voice shocked the lady into her head bowing. And with that Henry walked away from the lady leaving her sorrowful in the garden. It was true that a lady should never have spoken so to a royal, but that wasn't Lizzy. Maybe it was the drink in her or it was herself fighting whatever she could. She not only felt embarrassed but stupid. She could have wasted her only friendship in court for the sake of her embarrassment. But the way he had spoken of his brother the king seemed almost questionable. Why would he speak so ill of his own kin and his lover? Lizzy wanted to know then and there why the king turned on to his brother so quickly. Although, as hurt, as Lizzy was she had still managed to follow the corridors to her quarters; she took a glance at Henry's shut door. For a moment she thought maybe she should knock and apologise to the Tudor, but it seemed her stubbornness wouldn't let her be defeated. And with that, the Lady un-dressed herself and passed out on her bed due to her drunken state.


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