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This chapter is kinda short but still i hope you guys enjoyyy ;-)

After the incident that happen to the old academy, the build the new one with a higher security system. They also come up with the idea of new dorm system for the agents. Most of the parents already knew about their children involvement at M.A.T.A including Dr. Ghazali. It has always been busy for the agents. General studies at morning, training in the afternoon and mission in between. They also spent most of their short break for doing revision and homework . Thus, they barely have time to hangout with their friends and family. So, the head pillar decided to give them one week breaks from training and studying except for an emergency mission which they can't avoid.

Ali's POV
Omg this is going to be funnn! I thought after hearing the news from Khai. "But what should we do during the break though" I ask making all of the agents in the room stop whatever they're doing and stare at me. "ALI!! ARE YOU CRAZY?! WE GOT A WHOLE MF WEEK FOR US TO RELAX AND ENJOY HOLY SHIT!!" Moon scream. "Agent Moon, language." Agent Karya said and exit the room. "Okay-okay, chill down." Relax and enjoy.. Hmmm.... Suddenly something pop in my mind. "Heyy! how bout we hangout at the beach tomorrow! Y'know swimming, playing games, have some barbeque and maybe stay over the night at the beach! How does it sound?" I asked trying to calm Moon from her crazy screaming. "Sound good!" Khai said while Iman just nodded. "I'm definitely gonna join it! Wanna join us Roza?" Moon asked. "Hmm...if most of us are going, then why not. BUT, Zass must join us. You too Mika." Roza said with a slight tint on her cheeks. Zass nod and mika agreed too. "Awwwww Roza want to bring his bf to the beach" Moon teased earning a hit from a now crimson red Roza. "We're joining too" Bulat and Chris said. "And how bout youu Rudyyy??" Moon said tryna teased him. "Tch, it just a waste of time! b-but since i had nothing to do maybe-" he's about to finish his word but was cut by moon sudden scream"HE'S JOINING!! OMFG I REPEAT RUDY WILL JOIN US AHHHHH". Well there she goes again. "Then its set! Let's meet up in the living room tommorow at 8 in the morning!" I said while they nodded. "LET'S GO TO THE MALL GIRLS!! LET'S FIND SOME HOT SWIMMING SUIT WOOHOOO!!" Moon said and again earning a hit from Roza. "Oww..fine! let's just hangout in my room, okay?" Moon said while holding his head. The girls then proceed to their dorm to change into some casual outfits. While walking i saw Alicia, it seems like there's something awfully wrong with her today. She was quite during our conversation just now. So without much hesitation, I grab her wrist and drag her to my room. She just follow me silently and does not fight back.Weird!


When we reached my room i let her in and she sat on the bed. "What do you want." she asked with a stern face. "Well, mind telling me what tf is wrong with u today? You're awfully quiet during our conversation." I stated with a worried expression. "Its none of your business and also I'm not going. just tell them i had some serious business that i need to handle" She said getting up from my bed. Tch. She's so stubborn! guess i need to force the answer out from her. Before she can stand up i pull her back a lil bit harder, forcing her to stumble on my bed while I'm on top of her. "A-Ali..." She stared at me with a blushing face. "Tell me the truth. Or I'll kiss you" I told her while putting one of my finger under her chin. "Tell me, right NOW." I said kinda loud."I.. ughh its just that I umm..UGHHH! Ishh! alright the truth is I always feel insecure about my body. It does no develop like the other girls! Ishh just look at you! Even you have grown a lot. You're now taller than me and you're m-more h-handsome! and ofc they'll mock me for having this body even though we're 16 already! It so embarrassing!!" She said almost screaming. "Okay! I have told you everything so umm..can you get off please..? It's going to be bad if anyone saw us..like this." She asked softly. Omg I can't handle this level of cuteness!! I held my hand for her to get up and when she managed to get up in a sitting position, i kiss her. right on the lip."I love everything about you, your body, your personality, I love you Alicia Kheng.

Alicia's POV
My heart is beating real fast rn. D-Did he confessed to me just now.Am i dreaming? Did my crush really really confessed to me just now?!! But this is all too sudden! Tch! Its now or never Alicia. I take a deep breath and... "Ali..I-I love you too.." I confessed and we kiss again but this time it lasted longer than before. Suddenly the door flew open revealing Khai in front of the door. " Hey Ali can you help me-" Oh shit. "A-Ahhh..I see you're a lil bit busy..I'll come a-again later.."He said then close the door and run in the hallway. "KHAI-NOO!!" Ali said jumping from the bed and start chasing Khai. Tch, idiot.I get up then head to the girls dorm.


*At the girl's dorm
"Alicia, where did you go? We're so worried about you" Iman said softly. "Umm...I just went to the kitchen just now." I said heading to my room. "No you're not I am at the kitchen just now, and..Khai already tell me what happened. Don't worry I'll keep your secret!" Moon said snickering. "Hey this is not fair! what tf happen?? C'mon! this is not fun! Why are you keeping secrets from us?!Moonn spill the teaa!!" Roza said annoyed. "Moon. Don't you dare." I glare at her. If looks can kill, Moon probably gonna die. Slowly Moon open her mouth..taking a deep breath and... "ALICIAANDALIWEREKISSINGJUSTNOW" Moon said and quickly run to her room.
"What..the hell is she tryna say..? Any of you understand?" Roza said confused. "No, I'll head to my room now, excuse me." I said politely and continue heading to my room. "I GOT IT! I UNDERSTAND WHAT MOON SAID OMG-ALICIA!!" Mika said startling me. Now I'm running to my room with a blush spread all over my face. I locked my door and flopped on the bed. "Ughhh!?! Why don't he lock his door!! Ishh that idiot!! " I said while opening my phone. "..my idiot..." I muttered quietly. In my wallpaper there's Ali and me. Its a picture that Ali took when we went to hangout with Victor and Mia at the amusement park. Hmmm...after the talk with Ali I kinda feel more comfortable right now. I'm really looking forward for tomorrow. I'm so excited!

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