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"Home sweet home" Dr. Ghazali said as we enter the house. I've come to his house, once when we're 12 to tutor him. But this time its kinda changed a little bit. "Ali, lead her to the guest room, I'm going to cook for dinner" Dr. Ghazali said. Me and Ali then walked upstairs to the room. It's just right beside his room. "As you can see, my room is here. You can come anytime, ichaa" he said playfully and went to his room. Ishh this guy! I put my stuff on the floor and take a quick shower. oh its 7 p.m already. I then went to his room, without knocking ..Oops..? And there is Ali staring at me, shocked. He only has towel tucked on his waist. I just stare at him, blushing. Damn, this guy is hot af. That abs and his wet hair omg. "Like what you're seeing?" Ali said snapping me out of my trance. "I-Idiot!!" I say loudly causing him to cup my mouth with his hand. "Shhh..if dad see us like this, we're dead. So shut up if you want to stay in my room." He said making me blush. I then sat on his bed, staring at him. "Uhmm..what are you doing...?" He ask confused. "You're hot." I blurted out. And when i realised it my face flush red. "Ahhh! I-I mean.. it's kinda hot here..hahaha.." I said nervously. Comot then meow at me, motioning to the air conditioner. "The air conditioner is on." Ali said. Shit. He then walk towards me and stare at me. "Hmmm...i agree its kinda hot..Wanna make it hotter?" He said smirking as he leaned in. As he about to kiss me Dr. Ghazali yell loudly from downstairs. "Ali, Alicia! Dinner's ready!!"  "ishhh..Alright, I'm coming!" Ali replied then give me a peck on the cheek and quickly wears his shirt. We went down together and sat beside each other. Dr. Ghazali just stared at us. "Ummm...is there anything you wanna ask me, Dr?" I said. "A-Ahh nothing, enjoy your meals" We then eat peacefully. After dinner, Dr. Ghazali and Ali went upstairs to talk as i wash the dishes. Hmm..what are they talking about..? I decided not to eavesdropping them and head to my room. While walking, i heard some yelling..are they arguing..? I should not interfere but still I'm worried. The door flew open and Ali walk out with a blushing face. "Uhmm..hi?" I said nervously. "Are you eavesdropping us?!" Ali ask me. "No! I'm on my way to my room." "What are u guys talking about actually?" I ask as Ali drag me to his room. I locked the door as he flopped on the bed. "Seriously tell me." I said annoyed. "He's talking about stuff like you and me....uhmm doing stuff..like uhhh y'know...." He said blushing. "Oh okay i u-understand.." I said blushing a little bit. "What do you want to do?" I ask as he started thinking. "Braid your hair, makeup session?" He said as I chuckled." You sound like a girl Ali, and unfortunately my hair is short and I didn't bring my makeup along." I said as he groan. "Hey let's play 20 questions!" He said and we begin playing. " First question! Favorite colour?" Ali ask. "Yellow, ofc" i said "Well i like red.." he said staring at me. I then notice that I am wearing a red shirt and short. Both of us blush and continue it. The games then goes on, fav food,drinks,hobby, sports and other. "Wow! I feel like I know everything about you already." I said. "Wait until we get married you'll know EVERYTHING about me" he said as he point to his body. "P-PERVERT!!" I yell and throw pillow at him. "Grrr... Icha!!" He said and throw a pillow at me too. "LET THE WAR BEGIN!!" Ali yell and we started throwing pillows to each other. "PILLOW FIGHT!!" I yell happily. Ali then throw his last pillow and I quickly dodge the attack. The pillow then hit Dr. Ghazali. "Kids... It's 12." He said in a scary tone. "R-Really? I don't know its already this late." Ali said. "W-Well then i should head off to bed then.. goodnight Dr. Ghazali, goodnight Ali.." I said and head to my room. I close the door and lean on it smiling. 'best day ever' i whisper and flopped on the bed. God, this bed is so soft. A few seconds on the bed and I've already fell asleep.

*The next morning
"Wakey wakey sleepy head" I said as I caressed her soft cheek. "5 more minutes..." She said still sleeping. "Aww it a waste that I cook breakfast for you today.." I said and she immediately jolt up. "Y-You cook?!" She said in disbelief. "Yes princess, now go take a bath" I said and throw her towel on her face. She then grab my wrist and kiss my cheek. "Wait for me downstairs my prince." She said and dash to the bathroom. Did Alicia just call me prince?! He usually call me dork or dummy. Omg! I smile and head downstairs happily. "Good morning dad!" I said as I saw dad walk out of his room. "I cook breakfast for us, here coffee for you." I said and hand him the mug. "You look happy today, Ali. Oh, and you cook! It's been a long time since you came home. I miss your cooking" Dad said as I smile sheepishly. "Oh my! you seriously know how to cook.. And here I thought you already burnt down the entire kitchen" Someone said interrupting us. Alicia..in her beautiful yellow dress. "Heyy! C'mon sit here." I said pulling her chair. "Coffee or tea?" I ask politely. "Teh tarik." She said jokingly. "Oh, I can make it right away" I said playing with her joke. "A-Ali ! I'm just joking!" She said flustered. "Ehem! I'm still here kids." Dad said making us blush. "L-Let's eat!" I said and we started eating.

Anddd to be continued!
Sorry for short chapter😥

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2020 ⏰

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