Visiting Dad-in-Law?!

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At Mamak Maju

"Ichaaaa" uncle Rajesh yell gaining the others customer attention. "Ishhh! Uncle slow down a lil bit! You're gaining their attention!" I said. All of us then took our seat and begin to order our menu. Ali sat right beside me, so Khai took a seat beside Ali and accidentally push him sending him stumble a little bit  close to me. Khai smirk at me and play with his phone. This guy sure know how to tease other. When our food arrived, we eat peacefully and chat with each other. From here, you can see 2 uncles stalking over behind the kitchen cabinets. *Sigh Why do we come here. I take a bite on my roti canai, but suddenly someone link their fingers with mine. I glance to Ali then to the uncles and they look like they're going to murder Ali. God, please let me eat in peace..


After having our breakfast, we went back to the academy. We unlock our dorm and sat on the living room. "That was fun, guys. We should do it often" Chris said. "Yeah, so next plan?" Moon said cheerfully. "Go and rest. That's all" Rudy said and head to his room. Wth, is wrong with this guy?? I am kinda tired so i head to my room too. While walking I saw Khai heading to Moon's room, so i decided to tease him. "Please keep it PG over here alright, I'm just beside her room." I said making the boy turns crimson red. I chuckled and head to my room. I put my stuff on the floor and lie on my comfy bed. When I open my phone, I look into my photos. There's a lot of photos. This is truly amazing. Can't believe I actually having fun at the beach. thank goodness Ali came and encourage me to join them, or else I'll regret it in my entire life. I then take a quick bath and head to the living room. The boys are playing DnD, dungeons and dragons while the girls are chatting among themselves.

"Something is coming.. Something's hungry for blood..A shadow rose behind you, swallowing you into the almost here.." I said as I am the dungeons master. "Oh shit, what if it is the demogorgon?" Khai said nervous. "Oh god we're so screw if it was the demogorgon" Bulat replied.  "Its not the demogorgon!" Chris argue. "The army of troglodytes charged into the chamber!" "Heh, troglodytes." Khai snickered. "Told ya'!" Chris said smiling. "Wait a minute.....c-can you hear that..?" I said tryna sounds all mysterious. "That s-sound..Boomm..Boomm..BOOOMM! They came for something else... THE DEMOGORGON! " I yell and slap the table loudly. "OHH SHIT! DAMNIT!" Zass said. "DO SOMETHING!" I said loudly. "God! I don't know!" Zass said frustrated. "FIREBALL HIM!!" Chris yell. "I HAVE TO ROLL THIRTEEN OR HIGHER!" Zass replied. "TOO RISKY! CAST A PROTECTION!!" Khai encourage him. "DON'T BE A PUSSY! FIREBALL HIM!" Bulat said supporting Chris. "CAST PROTECTION!" Khai yell in frustration. "IT COME CLOSER TO YOUU..CLOSER AND CLOSER!!" I said. "FIREBALL!" "CAST PROTECTION!!" "AND FIREBALL!!" Zass replied rolling the dice and it fall off the table. "IS IT THIRTEEN?! Oh my god OH MY GOD!" Khai said holding his head. "I DON'T KNOW UGHH WHERE IS IT" Chris replied while we're searching for it. "WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM!! YOU GUYS ARE SO FREAKING LOUD!!" Moon said annoyed. "SHUT UP! WE'RE LOOKING FOR THE DICE!" Chris said. "YOU MEAN THIS THING?" Alicia said holding the dice. "WHAT IS THE NUMBER?!" Khai yell. " "Uhmm I don't know?" She replied. "AARGHHHH BULLSHIT!" The boys groan. "Kidding, its 7. Here." Alicia said handing the dice to me. "WHAAAT?!!!" We replied in the same time. "Woa guys what's all this commotion about?" Jet ask heading toward us. " Wait a minute..You guys played DnD without me?! Bro! I thought we're friends" Jet said wiping his fake tears. "CAN YOU PLEASE SHUT THE FUCK UP? I'M TRYNA GET A FREAKIN SLEEP!" Rudy yelled from the hallway. Everyone went silent. "Geez, he sure loves to cursed." Roza said chewing the bubble gum. "God, you're addicted with those gums, Roza." Jet said. We then clean up the table. "Sorry Jet.. As apologize I'll cook for you" I said heading to the kitchen. "Woa..woa wait a second. You wanna cook?!" Moon said in disbelief. "Umm..sorry Ali but I guess u should let the girls handle it.." Iman said. "You guys think I can't cook right." I said as they nod. "Ali, just please let us cook, girls time, together." Alicia said with her cute eyes. Well I can't say no to this cutie. "Hmm yeah..yeah.. you guys can cook." I said and  seat on the sofa with the boys. "Hey, not going to cook?" Khai ask. "The girls won't let me cook, what can i say?" I replied and started playing with my phone. "Understandable." Khai said and we laugh.


*After lunch

"Icha, let's hangout in my room. I have something i need to tell you." I said as Alicia nod and followed me to my room. "So what do you want to tell me?" She said as she sat on my bed grabbing a pillow and holding it close to her chest. I then sat on my beanbag. " I want to visit my father for 3 days.. I'll leave today at 4.." I said as I saw Alicia face turned upset. "I'm so sorry.. I should spend time with you..." I said. She just stayed silent looking at the ground. "I want to follow you.." She said as she look at me. "W-What??" "Please Ali...." She beg at me. "Alright.. Alright.. anything for you my angel, I say as I get on the bed and lie beside Alicia. " It's already 2 pm get some rest and pack your stuff I'll wait for you at the living room at 4,okay?" She smiled and went out of my room. What should I tell my dad....


"Ready to go?" I ask as she nod. I already told Khai about this so its okay then. We walk to the train station and bought 2 tickets. It is packed with people. I can hear people chatting among themselves not caring about the surrounding. Ishh so noisy.

After a few minutes, our train arrives. People quickly made their way into the small train entrance and started pushing each other. Geez, they sure doesn't know how to keep calm. We took our seat and sigh in relief. "We made it here, Alicia" I said relief. She smiled at me and stare at the ground. "What's wrong..?" I ask holding her hand. She look at me with a worried expression. "Your it okay if I stay over?" Alicia ask nervously. "Umm, i don't know... But whatever happens, I will never leave you alone, I promise." I said holding out my pinky finger. "Promise." She said and smiled at me. Her smile is my weakness, oh my god. The journey only took 15 minutes but Alicia unconsciously fell asleep on my shoulder. When we arrived, i shook her shoulder to wake her up. Oh how i wish i don't have to stir her beauty slumber. "Uhmm...Ah! We're already arrived?" Alicia ask half asleep. I chuckle. "Yes, sleeping beauty. C'mon let's go!" I said as i dragged her out of the train. I call my dad and he said he'll arrived 5 minutes later to pick us up."You're okay Alicia? Is there something bothering you?" I said as she blush. " I'm meeting my father-in-law! How can I relax" she said flustered. "Father-in-law~" I said smirking. "Shut up freak. Oh there he is" Alicia said and point to a guy that's walking towards us. "Ali, it's been along time!" My dad said hugging me. "Oh, and who is this lady over here? Wait.. I've seen you somewhere...hmmm Ah! You're general Rama's daughter and Ali's ex-classmate! Nice to meet you......?ummm... Sorry i forgot your name" dad said scratching his head. "Alicia" she said smiling. "Ah, yes. Nice to meet you,Alicia." My dad said cheerfully. " actually I have something to tell you.." "Yeah, what is it?" My dad asked confused. "Can she stay over? She kinda have some problem.." "problem?" "Yeah, private matters. Sorry, I can't tell.." My father nod and lead us to his car. BMW i8. "Geez dad, flashy as always" I said opening the door for Alicia." know me" He reply and notice Ali opening the door for Alicia and thought 'what a gentleman. I'm sure they're dating'. "Ehem! Dad, what are you thinking about?" I said. Dad then shook his head and started the car. "Alright, let's go home." He said as I smile and pet Comot softly while my other hand link with Alicia's hand.

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