Back to school

864 22 1

Maya: wakes up- riley wake up we have to go to school soon

Riley: wakes up- u sure ur ready to go to school

Maya: yea as long as I have u lucas farkle and ur dad I'll be fine

Riley: smiles - gets dressed -

Maya: gets dressed- ready

Riley: me to let's go eat breakfast

They go in the kitchen -

Topanga: morning girls

Maya: morning

Riley: morning mom

Topanga: hands them a bagel each - u guys have to go

Maya: let's go riles

They arrive at school-

Lucas; Maya! - hugs her -

Maya: hi Cowboy

Lucas: I missed u

Riley: aw

Maya: blushes- I missed u to

Missy: walks up - hey Miley

Maya: it's Maya

Missy: whatever I heard u went to save the loser and nerd ( riley and farkle) and got shot

Maya: yes I did now leave me alone

Missy: punches Maya in the stomach- runs away-

Riley: catches Maya -

Maya: crys into Riley's shoulder-

Lucas: riley stay with Maya I'm going to beat missy up

Riley: ok be careful - calming maya down -

Maya: ow ow ow - crying -

Riley: come on let's get u to the nurse - has my arm around Maya -

At the nurse-

Nurse: what happen

Maya: Looks at riley - tears falling -

Riley: she got punched in the stomach by missy Bradford - rubbing mayas back -

Nurse: riley u and Maya go home so she can rest

Riley: ok let's go Maya

Maya: gets up - tears falling -

Riley: has her arm around Maya -

At Riley's house -

Maya: crys in Riley's bed-

Riley: shhhh it's gonna be ok

Maya: it hurts so much

Riley: take off ur shirt for a sec

Maya: takes off her shirt and there's a bruise on her stomach - crys more -

Riley: gets a ice pack and puts it mayas stomach -

Maya: tears fall - thanks riles

Riley: ur welcome by the way lucas is coming over after school

Maya: ok - yawns -

Riley lays in bed next to Maya -

Riley: snuggles Maya - take a nap

Maya: ok - falls asleep in Riley's arms -

Riley: holds Maya -

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