Game pt2

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The game had started now our school team vs the other team it was very intense every time our team had a point the other team got one too

( just so you know I DO NOT KNOW ABOUT SOCCER THAT MUCH so bare with me :) )

At last the scores were

Your school - 8

Other school- 6

Basically if the school team scored one more then you will win but if not the other team will (idk😭) .

End of game ⚽️

Everyone was cheering your school soccer team had won And I decided to join and yell the boys names and "whooo" you catched the boys looking at you from the field and smiling.


Matti🦖- Come down

Gabby🐀- Aight I'm coming


Ma- Hey where you going?

G- I'm going to talk to mattia

Ma- oh- right umm see ya later?

G- Of course

I gave him a wide smile and he gave one back.i ran down to where the boys where

K- I know you saw me gabby! I rocked that shit

You laughed and nodded

G- you guys were amazing

M- Yea,yea we know😌

Ale- This game was kinda harder than the others

M- Nah

K- Lowkey

G- You guys seem...sweaty

I looked at them up and down

M- Well duh bitch

G- Chill

I laughed once again punching him in the arm

K- Im going to take a cold ass shower

Ale- were you with mariano?

G- Yeah and his friends their cool

K- Are you serious?


M- hes a bitch and so is his friends

G- how??

Baby love 😳💛 ~kairi consentino.Where stories live. Discover now