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*Sky's View*

"Skylar, time to get up. You have your first day of school." Joan said as she opened the curtains, letting light seem through my room. I opened my eyes and looked at her. "Now, get up and get...ready. I thought I told you to unpack." She said after she saw my bags. 

"Never mind, we'll talk about that after school. You'll like that school. They have a bunch of different classes that you can take. Now, get up and get ready for school." Joan said before she walked out of the room. I groaned before I climbed out of bed. I closed the curtains before I started to get dressed. 

After  I got dressed I grabbed my backpack before I walked out of the room, leaving the bed unmade

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After  I got dressed I grabbed my backpack before I walked out of the room, leaving the bed unmade. I walked down the stairs to the kitchen. "Alright, so. Are you ready for your first day?" Jared asked. I looked at him with a 'piss off' face. 

He nodded. "Alright, not in the mood to talk I see," he said. I grabbed a breakfast sandwich before I put my bag on my back. 

I took a bite of the sandwich. "Alright, let's get you to school," Joan said. I nodded and followed her out of the house. I took a breath as I climbed into the passenger seat. "So, when you get there, I will have to show you the office. There they will take you around the school and show you where your classes are." Joan said. I nodded as I finished my breakfast. 

Yes, I already said full-on Zombie mode. I have found a way to control that. The brains thing also has been killing me, but a bottle of hot sauce that I have hidden in my clothes bag also known as a trash bag has helped. Hasn't helped the losing weight part though. "Here we are," Joan said breaking my train of thought. 

I looked out the window to see a big school. She parked her car and climbed out. I climbed out after her. (Picture of school in media) I looked back at the school. "I'm not sure about the hat, Skylar. You might have to take it off." Joan said as she walked over to me. I nodded and started to walk to the main doors. 

Which has a lot of stairs.......Why did she bother getting me a school? I'll just have panic attacks all the time and I'll get bullied here. I can already tell that from the looks I'm getting, just by walking down the halls for the first time. 

We walked into the main off and the office lady knew Joan right away. "Joan, it's nice to see you and you must be Skylar. I'm Harper Greene." the lady said. I gave her a small nod. "Sorry, huh. Hats aren't allowed at school," she added. I nodded and took my hat off. "Alright, then. I have a list of what classes you have." Harper said. 

"Alright, I'll pick you up after school, Skylar," Joan said before she walked out of the office. "Alright, here you go. Have your teachers sign that paper and bring it back to me after school." Harper said as she handed me the paper. I looked at the paper. "Alright, you can follow me. I'll take you to your first class." Harper said as she walked to my side of the counter. I nodded and followed her down the halls. 

"Here we are. See you after school." Harper said before she walked back to the office. I took a breath and walked into the room. All the kids were already in the room. "Right, new kid. You must be Skylar." the teacher said as I handed him the paper. I nodded and looked at the kids. 

They all stared at me like I just killed a famous man. That's when I saw sketchbooks in front of all of them. I looked back at the teacher. "I'm Mr. Bright, I teach drawing. Here's your slip and a sketchbook." the teacher said. I nodded and grabbed them from him. 

"You can sit at that empty table." Mr. Bright said as he pointed at a table in the front of the room. I nodded and sat down at the end chair so I have a faster way of leaving the room when the bell rings. "Alright, today I want you to draw a celebrity. Someone that is famous that you look up to. It can be a singer, superstar, or actor. Your drawing is due Monday." Mr. Bright said. I grabbed a pencil and opened the sketchbook to the first page. 

I started to draw as my new classmates started to talk about me, behind my back in a.....way. "Do you see her hair? Goth much." one said. "She looks like a vampire." Another said. I took a deep breath as I continued to draw, that's when I saw Mr. Bright walk up to me. "Don't listen to them. I for one....like your hair and your drawing. Where did you learn to draw like that?" he asked. 

I looked down at my drawing. "It just came to me I guess," I said. He nodded. "You are amazing. I can see the person you drew without needing to ask you what you drew." He said before he walked back to his desk. I looked down at my sketchbook. I guess I found a new talent.

 I guess I found a new talent

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*Blaine's View*

"I was told someone that works here wanted to talk to me." a voice said from the front of the shop. I smiled and walked out of the back. "That would be me. Hi, I'm Blaine Debeers." I said. "Hi, I'm Kelly White. I was told that you wanted to talk to me about a case of mine; Skylar Jackson." the lady said. I nodded. 

"I know that she was just put into a new placement three days ago, but I have adoption papers signed and ready. I also already paid the fee." I said. She smiled. "Glad to hear that you adopted her. She's such a sweet girl, but she lost herself because of everything that she has been through." Kelly said. I nodded. "So, when do you want me to tell her?" Kelly added. 

"Well, I'm working on getting her a room in my apartment," I said. She nodded. "Here, call me once you are ready for me to tell her," Kelly said as she handed me a card. She smiled as she walked out of the shop. 

*Skylar's View*

The sound of the bell ringing snapped me back to reality. I closed the sketchbook before I put it and the pencil I used away in my bag. "Hi, I'm Grace. Do you need help finding your next class?" a girl asked. 

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