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"Jack and Mia Jackson. You both are under arrest for attempted murder. Custody of Skylar stays with Blaine Debeers. Case close." the judge said as she hit her small hammer on her desk. She got up and walked out of the room as two police officers arrested my birth parents. 

I smiled as the police dragged them away. I sat up and looked around the room to find Blaine, but I couldn't see him with all the people leaving the courtroom. "Wait, Noah. Where is he if they kidnapped him?" I asked. "I'll find him. You should be happy." Clive said as everyone else got up. 

"You get to stay with Blaine, he isn't dead, your rapist is in jail along with your birth parents. Why aren't you jumping up and down?" Ravi asked. "Well, for one. I was shot two days ago." I said. "Oh my god. I have to see Jackie and Grace." I added. 

I thought about it. "I'll meet you guys in the main part of the building," I said before speed walking out of the room. I looked around the lobby to see if I can see them. "Looking for someone?" someone asked. I turned around to see Grace and Jackie there. They were both sitting on a leather couch. I walked over to them. 

"Skylar, we are so sorry about everything," Jackie said. "It's okay. After seeing what you two did. I forgive you." I said. They both got up. "We both regret helping them and after seeing them try to kill you; it made us feel even worse," Grace said. 

"I told you guys. I forgive you. You both saved my life. If you didn't do that then I wouldn't be here." I said. They both nodded. "Did Noah know about you helping them?" I asked. "Yes, but we told him that we were going to stop the next time we see them. He kept the act up. They found out and kidnapped him. We ended up staying with them until we saw what was going to happen in the mall." Jackie said. 

That's when Grace's phone went off. "My mom is here to pick us up. Will we see you at school?" Grace asked. "Yeah, once the gunshot is healed," I said. They nodded. "See you then," Jackie said before they walked off. 

That's when my phone went off. I looked to see that Blaine texted me. 

Blaine: I see you

Not weird what so ever. I looked up and turned around. That's when I saw him standing there with his phone in his hands. I put mine away and jogged over to him. "I thought you could only walk," he said as he put his phone away. I then hugged him. "Well, hello to you too," he said as he hugged me back. 

"I thought I lost you when your store went boom," I said. "You will never lose me. I'm Blaine Debeers for crying out loud," he said. I pulled away and grabbed the keychain. I pulled it out and handed it to Blaine. "I want you to have that," I said. He smiled and grabbed it from me. "Thank you," he said with a smile on his face. He put it in his pocket and hugged me again. "I love you, Skylar," he said as he put his chin on my head. I hugged him back. 

"I love you too.....dad," I said. 

Not Normal - Blaine DeBeersWhere stories live. Discover now