Green Lantern Corps meet Ben

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With most of the night spent at the Wayne's eating dinner - mostly because he wanted to eat cookies, Ben ended up back at his apartment later than he originally thought.

Stumbling into his room and falling face first onto his bed, Ben looks out into the living where Sumo Slammers was on pause, the level still just begging to be finished.

" I'll head to bed once I've finished the level. " Ben says to himself as he drags his body off the comfortable bed and onto the floor.

" Just a few more ninjas and I reach this level's boss. " Sitting himself down and taking the controller, Ben unpauses the game and continues on his video game journey.


" Attention all citizens.... " A booming voice echoes, making Ben pause the game midway. " What now? " He asks in exasperation, having almost beaten the second-to-last level of the game.

Standing up from his seat, he heads to the window and opens a slit in between his curtains to have a peak of the situation happening in the city.

' A bunch of aliens in red skin tight suits flying around causing mayhe- is that a blue cat? ' Distracted by the flying blue cat which was also in a red skin tight suit, Ben shakes his head to get his mind back on track.

' Where's the Justice League at a time like this.....What time is it anyways? ' Due to the fact that he got to engrossed playing sumo slammers to the point he didn't head to bed after completing that one level like he said to himself, the teenage hero has no idea what time of the day it is at the moment " Or is it night? " He asks himself quietly.

" I need a smoothie first and foremost. " He says resolutely, " Can't fight crime smoothie deprived, I wonder if I have chili fries in the fridge. "

" Surrender or all shall die. " It took a good half hour of smoothie and chili fries time for the speech to finally be done.

" How have the other heroes not made a move yet? I should check on them. " Pulling out his Juctice League comms badge from his hoodie, he taps on it once, to activate the hologram and taps the screen twice, to activate the comms GPS tracker.

Batman was the one who added the function after some.....things, happened.

With the GPS tracker enabled, Ben finds one thing odd. " Their all in one place? " All the red dots that symbolizes the members of the Justice League, were together in one specific area, Central City.

" Well not all the heroes are there, Batman's okay, but he's in Gotham. I should help him, but he's Batman, so he'll be fine. What do you think Azmuth? " He asks, making the Omnitrix A.I activate it's hologram function.

" If the League is unavailable, I suggest finding some outside help. " The AI suggests zooming in on the badge's hologram.

" Okay, but who do I look for? I'm going to take a guess and say that the Young Justice League members are also with the heroes in Central city, and since Batman's still stuck in Gotham, who's left to call for backup? " Ben questions looking back out the window for a status check outside.

" I've picked up a signal from a member of the League up in space, I will be giving you the coordinates from where it's coming from, but how you get there is on you. " With a small hologram screen beside AI Azmuth's head showing the coordinates on where the signal is coming from, Ben says his thanks to the A.I and keeps his Justice League comms badge back inside his hoodie.

" I can't risk flying Into the air and getting caught by those guys, so I'm gonna need some speed on the ground for this, " Ben says dialing the omnitrix, looking for the right alien for the job.

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