France is an guy. Nice guy that is the jews, in the poland of auschwitz, the camp where they contencrates juice ppl.
And poland it was, an bad guy help the germany end theyr pepol.
One day, the france was wisiting the camp calls auchvitz in poland near germany where he was traped.It is 1856 year, and centery to.
It is a logn time really ago. We can believe it because its written on chistory book that poland evaded the france of juice poepel. And we now that germany is helped the bad guy to kill
As far away as we did known, france and poland colapsing on the ocean and the air becoz they has border with oceaan and so its logiqued.
So, no one are die, because the ocean save they from the fall. And now, france will met polish for an reunion in germany because germany isn't collapsicking.
Now, france is on the reunion of germany with poland, and they is argues with the policatical governement. It is a very hard discusion theyr made right now.
The situasions in bouth cuntry are realy not good, their very baddest from what we knew. COmunism are breeging the best in different persons; but they not shoud forget where the came from, the cuntry speciafically.
Rusian like a very good mom is helped alot witch estamblishinged comunisms. and is the friend to poland and france.
and the next at the next chapter..
thank for reading
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poland x france
RomanceFrance is french jews that is capture. Poland is armyman and he save france bc he nice guy and did good in her life adn stuff. thank for reading the storypo like and comment and check my ytb chanel for free hw. commenting and vote on mine story...