Prolouge Part 2

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Touching down on the island the Institute's campus was located, Bubbles spotted Boomer also nervously gazing up at the door way. Trotting up to 'her' counterpart, 'she' place 'her' hand on his shoulder causing him to jump and turn his lapis blue gaze to pastel blue ones. Both of them nod at each other as they enter the large doors of their new place of learning and temporary residence. "Ah. You two must be Boomer Angels and Bubbles Utonium." Their gazes locked on to the blonde female in front of us. Looking to be around the age of 30 or younger, the tall women was dressed in blue and gold. The top being a blue one shoulder strap crop which was paired with a blue miniskirt; accentuating her tan skin a gold belt rested on her hip and gold thigh-highs covered her long legs. Blue and gold wedged shoes added about 2 and a half inches to her heights. Her fluffy hair was up in a high pony held by a blue scrunchie; long bangs parted to their right with a bit hanging on the left, perfectly framing the woman's face and her piercing forest green eyes. 

"I'm your new headmistress Kloe Vilez. Welcome to my Institute. Now before you two start classes, get your dorms, and meet your Main teacher; you will have to go through our Mandatory check-up by the Institute's Doctor Addict. This is to ensure you lovelies are physically healthy to start your classes, courses, and extracurricular activities. As well as make sure certain physical information about you both is correct. Now is there any questions?" 

Shaking their heads 'no', we followed Ms. Vilez down one of the many corridors, heading down into the depths of the underneath of the large main building. Passing a total of six doors before turning left into a round area that resembled a waiting room, with plenty of plush seating, hard coffee tables covered in magazines, and a counter at the far end dividing the rest of the room from in-wall filing cabinets and another hallway. "Bubbles, please sit down. Boomer, will you head through the far corridor."  Ms. Vilez instructed, gesturing to the couch closest to the far hall.

Sitting down Bubs' anxiously watched as Boomer exited down the hallway. A few hours later Boomer came back with a few pamphlets, while followed by a young women with brown hair and bright orange streaks wearing a ripped hoodie and jeans under a lab coat. "Ms. Utonium, please follow me." Without hearing Bubbles' response the, presumably, Doctor Addict retreated back down the hall. Zipping down the hall to catch up to the doctor, Bubbles nervously contemplated what was going to happen. 

Entering the room the doctor had lead 'her' to, 'she' slowly lowered 'herself' onto the examination table. "We are first going to see if you recognize your supposed anatomy. This is because some scientists, when they create experiments that up majority of the time end up as one sex, tend to get lazy and stop checking to ensure they get their requested gender." Doctor Addict informed as she pulled down two different anatomy boards of the lower half of the human body, "I just need you to point to the one you know you have. Afterwards I will inform which was the male sex and which was the female sex."

Examining both curiously, Bubbles obediently pointed to left anatomy diagram, turning their flushed face away from the doctor. Scribbling some notes down, Doctor Addict walked into the embarrassed 12 year-old's line of vision. "Well, Bubbles Utonium, if the diagram you choose is truly what you have, then your sex is definitely that of a Male, not of a Female."

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