Teacher Reaction

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"YOU WANT ME TO WHAT?!?!!"  wide bright neon blue eyes  just stared in disbelief into wise dark green eyes, "To teach your cousin Boomer and Mr. Bubbles Utonium."

"Since when is the blue PowerPuff a male? And why should I teach them? They are just going to be feared by absolutely everyone just because of their color and power. And me teaching them is just going to make that worse."

Agitated Ms. Viles grabbed a file, and forceably shoved it into her 32 year-old daughter's chest, "If you read their file you would know that Bubbles has ALWAYS been MALE. But didn't know himself until he had his check-up when he arrived last night with Boomer. NOT only that, but you would know that Bubbles has endured much abuse, though mostly mental and psychological, from his sisters: Blossom and Buttercup. With that knowledge, Slayer, would you truly choose his sisters? Over HIM?"

Shocked Slayer clawed at her neon orange hair in fustration, "Bubbles needs a counselor or a therapist then. Not a fucking BOUNTY HUNTER. Who would be a terrible teacher to advise ,children of any age, guiding them to discover on what they want to do for the rest of their lives. Nevermind that BOTH, Bubbles and cousin Boomer, have Chemical X running through their veins which gave them their powers. POWERS that I have no idea how to teach them to utilize or live without. Fuck, Selias is a much better option to teach those two..."

"THAT is enough, Slayer." Ms. Vilez glared down on Slayer in fustration, "You are their only option. You will not only teach them, but learn with them. They themselves don't know the FULL extent of their powers. And you don't realize how well of a mentor you will be for them. Together, you and them, will discover many things, appreciate the smaller moments, and learn to adapt around society's expectations. And flourish in the world, even if you aren't accepted in the eyes of society. All that matters is that They, your students, are happy and have the courage to not back down."

"When do I start teaching, mother?" Slayer sighed out in defeat. Kloe Vilez grinned and pointed to the door. "Today, better go collect your students and get started, Darling. OH! And before I forget... In the system... Your students are labeled as 'Team Cyanophobia'. Have Fun Teaching!!"

(Sound of a door slamming is heard throughout the whole room.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2020 ⏰

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