2nd December, 2014- Anon

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At my old school, I was exploring. Itd been a long time since I had been there, and it was completely different. They had hotels on the opposite side of the classrooms, three levels high for people who would stay there.

My boyfriend and I were staying there, but I had rarely time to spend with him after he found his friend was there too, so I decided to go do my own thing and went down all the stairs to the courtyard.

In the small second of joy I had to be outside a bag was thrown over my head and I was plunged into darkness. I screamed, I kicked, but the person dragging me was so strong that I knew nothing I was doing would help.

It took so long that I was beginning to get impatient, then the bag was off. The first thing I did was look for the person responsible for this. There was a lady. My Principal. She was talking, telling me and alot of other boys and girls my age rules. Then I noticed my surroundings when a bump in the track almost sent me flying.

We were on a train. A really old-looking train, with the lights constantly flickering, and the sliding doors you physically have to pull sideways to open them.

I felt my pockets carefully in panic, as you do, and almost laughed when I felt my phone. But when I looked up I noticed lots of other people on their phones. What kind of kidnapping is this?

I took my phone out and texted my boyfriend, hope rising quickly.

"crazy chick kidnapped me. On a train. Come pls."

All I got in reply was "O:" which I assumed meant he was sending a search party to look for me, so, waiting, I stared out at the black tunnel for the rest of the ride.

We arrived at some weird platform, where we were all told to get out. My Principal stood by the enterance to another dark tunnel, and, one by one, pushed the kids infront of me down into it.

I was ready to run in and avoid being pushed when my Principal shook her head and grabbed my shirt, pulling me next to her.

"whats going on?" I asked

She reached forward and took my beloved phone from my arms, "youve tried to contact the police. We dont allow that here." She was very plain and abrupt, nothing different from how she was at school.

"no, I didnt," I told her, but she only shook her head again and suddenly a very large garage door opened into blinding sunlight. We were in the middle of a desert.

"We dont want you in here." Then I was thrown out, staring around at yellow sand and a straight, dusty road.

Without having a phone, and no way of surviving without water, I started to look for some. I walked for awhile before I found a single house.

A tall man and his daughter lived there, and while they couldnt send help, they did give me food, water, and shelter until I could phone someone to come get me.

As soon as I told my boyfriend the address I was told it seemed all the crazy shit started happening. A loud crash sounded from outside, the windows were wet and cracked under the pressure of water.

The whole street was like an ocean, though I could see clearly through the water, like I was Moses.

Thats when I saw my boyfriend floating on his belly, so obviously gorgeous and dead, followed by all the kids I had been kidnapped with.

Pale, shaking, and in shock, I turned around to see the house of the people who had so happily saved my life was also full of water.

While I couldnt see the man, his daughter was still looking through the window, my blank expression mirrored in her glassy eyes.


A/N- guys, I need inboxes. Ive already gotten a few, and thankyou to those people <3 but I need more. None of that happy shit, they must be bad dreams. Can be anon or I can add your name, its all completely up to you :) happy dreaming x

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