Mark Jefferson (Puppies)

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"Good morning future photagraghers." Mr. Jefferson greeted walking into the class room.

There was a series of 'hello's and 'morning's in reply.

Mr. Jefferson got right into it and began talking about his influences. Before class had ended he had asked for us to take a photo inspired by our influences and to turn it in by the end of class tomorrow.

Great. I thought to myself.

"Alright. See you and your inspired photos tomorrow." Mr. Jefferson dismissed us. Victoria, as always, walked up to Mr. Jeffersons desk after class.

Shyly I walked up to his desk. "Mr. Jefferson.."

"Yes Miss. L/n? What can I do for you?" He smiles at me kindly.

"Excuse me? Mr. Jefferson. We were talking..?" Victoria interrupted snoodily.

"Yeah. Sorry I- I didnt mean to inturupt.." I tried to back out.

"You're fine Miss. L/n. I believe we are done Miss. Chase." He didn't look at her when speaking to her, instead he smiled at me.

"Okay. See you tomorrow Mark." She flirted before walking out the class door.

Mr. Jefferson shook his head in distaste at her flirting. "So.. Miss. L/n? What can I do for you?" He smiled again.

"I.. I don't think I can do the assignment..." I said quietly.

He looked at me confused before getting up from his seat behind his desk and moving to sit on his desk in front of me.

"Why? Is it really that difficult a task Miss. L/n?" His caring facade faulters for a moment before he smiles kindly again. "Do you need an extension?"

"The thing is.." I took a deep breath in and continued looking into his brown eyes. "I'm kinda inspired by you..." I look down and tightly clothes my eyes in fear.

"Miss. L/n?" His voice hardened.

"I'm sorry that came out weird Mr. Jefferson. I mean that your work had inspired me. Not that you're not inspiring I mean-"

I was inturupted when I felt a sting in my neck. I looked up at Mr. Jefferson in slight pain.

"Mr. Jefferson..." Then the world went black.

I woke up in an unfamiliar room. I was on a white couch with a black coffee table in front of it. The room was an off set white with black and white photos scattered around. It looks like a chic modern living room. Then Mr. Fucking Jefferson walked out of an attached room and smiled at me.

"You're awake." He smiled and quickly moved to sit on the coffee table. His hand began to feel my forehead and cheeks. "No temperature that I can feel." He mumbles slightly. "Are you feeling alright? Would you like some water?" He asked kindly.

"No. I'm alright... Do.. Do you know what happened?" I asked before sitting up, turning to properly face him, and criss- crossing my legs under the blanket.

He gave a sheepish smile and rubbes the back of his neck. "I'm sorry Y/n.. You fanted but I'm not sure why and I wasn't sure what to do so I brought you here.."

"No it's okay. Thanks for helping me Mr. Jefferson. I-" I was inturupted by a bark. When I looked over I saw two Alaskan Klee Kais.

 When I looked over I saw two Alaskan Klee Kais

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