Mark Jefferson (Helper)

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Information: Y/n Ambers, sister to the missing Racheal Ambers, is being abused by her mom. No one at school besides her best friend Kate Marsh knows.
What happens when one of her tormentors at school finds out?

Y/n's POV
I got to the classroom early hoping Mr. Jefferson would be there. I opened the door and saw him sitting at his desk with his head laying on his arms.

I carfully walked into the room and called his name getting no reply. So I gently tapped his shoulder, with again, no reply. I checked the time to make sure it wasn't crazy early and it was already almost eight.

I decided to be a little nosey and looked over his work and saw some mistakes he had missed. Without really thinking I began to fix what was wrong with the papers. I had also put them in there rightful folders and then, the folders in chronological order on his desk. Just as I had finished the bell rang. Mr. Jefferson lightly stirred but didn't wake. So I had gently shook his chair. Effectively waking him up.

"Huh? What's...?" He asked yawning.

"Mr. Jefferson? Class is starting.." I told him as Kate walked in.

"O- oh. Thank you Miss. L/n. Please take your seat." He held his head in his right hand and waved me off with the other.

"Yes sir." I said then walked to my seat next to sweet little Kate. "Heya Kate- Kat." I smiled and plopped down next to her. Mr. Jefferson slowly stood and walked tiredly out the classroom door.

She smiled. "Still at it with that nickname?" She gave a small laugh.

"Of course! What else would I call you? Katy- Bear?" I asked with a laugh. "That doesn't make any sense."

"Oh and Kate- Kat does?" She raised an eyebrow in amusement.

"Of course it does! Your favorite candy is Kit- Kats sooo.." I put my my arm around her shoulder and gave her a stupid look. She gave a loud laugh causing a bright smile to form on my face.

"I love your laugh Kate- Kat. It's so sweet. Matches you perfectly." I smiled and she gave a bashful blush.

"Oh how fucking disturbing. Messed up Marsh and Abused Amber are dating." Victoria sneers and her group laughs.

"Shut up Vic-whore-ia." I growled. "Kate hasn't done anything to you." I stood from my seat and she walked over. If looks could kill, I'd be six feet under.

"The fuck you just say to me bitch?!" She glared standing less than a foot away from me.

"I said leave my friend alone or I'll do something you'll regret." I glared with the same passion.

"Oh what are you going to do? Have your mom hit me like she does to you?" She smiled as my face lost its anger for a moment, before I put back on my glare.

"Just leave Kate alone." I said through clenched teeth.

Vic-whore-ia smiled and walked back to her seat. I sat down and felt a hand hold mine. I saw Kate- Kat give me a worried look. And only then did I realize the tears that welled up in my eyes. As quickly as possible I wipe away at my eyes and smiled.

"I'm fine. Just to tired to deal with her." I reassured my best friend.

"You dont have to be brave in front of me Y/n. You can always talk to me." She gave me that sweet look she always has on her face.

"I know but really. I'm fine Kate- Kat." I laughed a bit and so did she. It was an 'I don't believe you but I will ignore it for your sake' fake laugh.

Mr. Jefferson walked in and began the class when the bell rang. He talked about his own style and how he had developed it. When class was close to ending he quickly reminded everyone about the Everyday Hero's Contest.

Class ended and everyone left besides me and Kate. Vic-whore-ia left for some Vortex club party that was starting in a few hours.

"Hey I have to do something real quick. See you at Two Whales for tea later?" I asked her with a shy smile.

She nodded. "Of course. Just text me when you're done and ill meet you at the bus stop?"

I nodded. She then grabbed her bag and left. Leaving me alone. With Mr. Jefferson. FML.

Cautiously I walked to his desk where he sat, with a bewildered look on his face, at his desk. "Mr. Jefferson?" He looked up at me, giving me his attention. "Can I give you my entry for the contest?"

He smiled before looking at his desk again. He then looked into my e/c eyes. "You were here early this morning correct?" I nodded and he continued. "So you saw who completed and corrected my work?" His eyebrow raised. Again I nod. "Tell me who it was who messed with my work." His voice raised towards the end. Then he gave a calming breath and continued. "And then I'll take your entry." He smiled.

"I.. I... I'm so sorry Mr. Jefferson! I did it! I saw you sleeping and you looked so tired and I didn't want to wake you so I just did it! I wasn't thinking.. It's no excuse but I am truly sorry.." I quickly got out the truth and held my picture closer to me for some kind of support.

He laughed loudly causing me to jump a little. "Y/n. I'm sorry I scared you. I just thought Miss. Chase had messed with my work. Thank you for helping me sweetheart." He smiled.

"Wait. Mr. Jefferson, you were mad that Victoria had messed with your stuff.. But you're okay with me doing it?" I tried to clarify.

He nodded with a small chuckle. "Yes Y/n. You're, like always, correct. And please call me Mark."

"Uh.. I'm sorry Mr. Jefferson but I feel more comfortable calling you-"

"I love that you know your comfort zone but maybe try some new things? Besides Y/n, it's just a name." He interrupted smiling.

"Here's my photo... Mark." I handed him my picture and turned to leave.

"What is this?" He asked me just as my hand reached the doornob.

I sighed. "It's of a man handing a homeless woman some canned food and a blanket." I said still facing the door. "May I go now, Mark?"

There was some shuffling at his desk. "No." I heard a voice from directly behind me say. Then a hand gently took mine from the doornob. "I'd like to have you do something for me Y/n.."

Part Two? I think so.. Tell me what you think.

1139 words

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