Chapter 44

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Y'all... the ways you want Gideon to die are terrifying.  Ya hate him that much?  Holy Jesus.



Dipper's strangely passive state melted away as if someone had put a blow torch to his icy exterior. Within him, a new kind of sensation began to take its place. His adrenaline pumped and he found himself panting and heaving in his spot on the ground. A fire licked over his skin and rushed through his veins. His bones quivered and the tips of his fingers tingled.

He watched as Gideon sat, preoccupied with Bill's angry threats and arguments. Dipper pressed his hands down flat to the ground and pushed himself up. He rubbed his wrists as he steadied his breathing and worked on containing his energy.

Now, Dipper wasn't an artist – so to speak. He was more left-brained prone, if nothing else. Dipper had never written a story or song in his life and the only thing he had ever drawn was diagrams and rough and very poor sketches of maps. Essentially, Dipper was not the most artistic person and his creativity certainly was limited and rusty. But, he was not a lost cause in the category. Personally, he thought he had a pretty colorful imagination compared to the general population. And his years with Bill and the other pirates no doubt opened his eyes to the potential of his ideas.

Dipper stood, his head feeling a little foggy and his vision rather hazy. Nonetheless, he was up and ready. He crossed his arms as he focused on Gideon's form, eyeing the place beneath his feet. A grin crept up to his lips as he felt a power native to the Dreamscape come to him. It was foreign and strange... but it was exhilarating. Dipper found himself getting drunk on the rush of the magic at his command.

Mid-retort, Gideon's snotty voice fell short. His southern accent cut off in confused curiosity as an orange flame erupted around him in a circle. It surrounded him, just as Bill's had, and lit up his face in a yellow glow. Unamused, he met Bill's gaze. "Really, Cipher?" He asked. "Ya already pulled this little trick. It won't work just because ya try it again."

Gideon rolled his eyes, swiping his hand over the flames to shoo it away. It was then that he felt the full brunt of the fire's heat seer his skin and he yanked his hand back. The sudden panic on his face was pathetically hilarious.

It was so hilarious, in fact, that Dipper let out a laugh at his expense. He saw Bill's golden eye glint in the light toward him first, then Gideon's cold, blue eyes followed suit. Dipper realized that he didn't hesitate to meet Gideon's gaze. He was too enthralled by the electricity running through him that he didn't care.

Electricity was a good way to put it. It felt like an electrical charge was carefully striking through him. It made his muscles flinch and constrict, tensing and relaxing in little spits of adrenaline and power. Dipper could also describe the sensation to be like buzzing. His nerves were ablaze with steady vibrations and hums... mechanical, almost. And the way both the buzzing and electricity flowed through him made him want to run. He resisted the urge to shift his weight and bounce from side to side on his toes.

He couldn't suppress the energy completely. Dipper soon found a healthy medium between standing idly and sprinting. He settled for leaning heavily to the side, letting his opposite leg bounce eagerly with anticipation.

Dipper eyed Gideon's face, forcing himself to focus and tearing his attention away from the sensations bubbling within him. "You seem shocked." He commented leisurely.

Gideon's face contorted ever so slowly. Well, it felt slow for Dipper. However, he had the sneaking suspicion that he was perceiving things faster. The expressions on Gideon's face changed far too slowly. Perhaps it actually only took a second or two for all his emotions to cycle through. But to Dipper, he watched as Gideon's panic morphed into confusion, the receptors firing off inside his brain, before it molded into understanding. Finally, a blank mask fell over his face and suddenly, Dipper couldn't read the other anymore. A frown came to Dipper's expression - only for the force rushing through him to quirk the corners of his lips back up.

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