Chapter 26

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Bill found a sinking feeling in his gut as he brought his crew aside. By now, Robbie had gotten the rebel soldiers to leave them alone, heading back to his tent and taking Lee and Nate with him. The captain stopped walking once they were in private. He turned to them, ready to silence their questions.

His stuck his palm out in a stop command as their mouths opened. "Hold everything. Shooting Star needs to hear something." He pulled Mabel to face him, holding her arms at her side. The captain looked her in the eye. "Gideon has Pinetree."

Mabel tilted her head. "What?"

"Gideon kidnapped Dipper," Bill stated again, swallowing. Mabel's bright face dimmed a bit.

"Why?" She asked, hands coming up to clutch his forearms. "What happened?"

"I don't know!" Bill said. "He got to him when he was alone!"

Mabel's eyes turned stern. "Why weren't you with him?!"

"I didn't mean to leave him alone, lass," Bill admitted. "I was having a few drinks and he got bored and slipped away to go off into the town alone..."

Pacifica came over, obviously not knowing when to take the backseat. "So, from what I've heard from Mabel and now you... Dipper is imprisoned most likely by a rich guy that has something against you?"

"Aye," Bill said, glancing away quickly before looking back into her brown eyes that matched Dipper's. "I'm expecting yelling..." He said, drawing back.

Mabel inhaled sharply and shook her head roughly. "No. No, no, no... I'm not going to be mad." Mabel said, keeping her cool. "I'm just... disappointed. I've been looking all over for you two. Once I finally track you down, I find out that my twin brother is in horrible danger, adding more stress to the pile. It's not like I grew up with him and know every small part of his personality and share a deep connection with him... or... anything..." She trailed off.

Pacifica came over and put a hand on her shoulder. "Mabel, don't break now. You've already sailed around Cape Horn to get here. Bill's right in front of us. You're fifty percent there." She whispered in the brunette's ear. "Relax."

Mabel's eyes drifted from Bill's golden one to Pacifica's deep blue ones. "It's just..." Mabel muttered. "My bro-bro."

"Mabel, look at me." Pacifica pulled the other from Bill's grasp and turned her abruptly. "We know that Dipper is alive. He's alive, Mabel. That's better than any of your nightmares conjured up." Mabel nodded. "Stand up straight. It's not lady-like to slouch. Pull yourself together. Ladies never break under pressure. And relax." Mabel did as told, straightening up her spine, still being shorter than either blonde standing by her. After just standing up properly, she felt more confident. It was a power pose after all. She nodded with more assurance. "Good. You're the brightness of this group." Pacifica muttered the last part so only Mabel could hear, swiftly turning back to Bill.

"Northwest," Bill said in a simple greeting.

"Cipher." The rich, young woman responded, keeping with the last name thing they started. "I didn't come across the New World for chit-chat." She said regally, snapping her fingers in front of his face. The captain merely blinked in irritation.

He sighed. "I get the message."

"Now, we've found you. We are going to find Dipper and make sure he's okay with our own eyes." She put her hands on her hips.

"Believe me, lass, I'm not against you." The captain said.

Pacifica pursed her lips. "Therefore, we're working together to find him. No questions about it. No objections." She looked back at the crew. "I also am aware that Mabel has made strong bonds with these men- and women- and has gained their favor. It's best if we don't split them by testing their allegiance and get on with it. Where is your tent? We need to start plotting- planning immediately."

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