Chapter 2

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I walked down to my first period class with angel. I looked down at my schedule sheet. "Mr.dunn is my first period" i said to angel "Ms.jones is mine" she said back. I sighed "we never have any periods together anymore" i said "angel nodded "well i better get going then ill see ya after 1st period" angel said heading down a different hallway.
I went into my classroom and sat down in the desk farthest from the teacher. While i was getting out a pencil jack ran inside the classroom and took a seat beside me. "Why hello lovely lady how you doin" he said facing me with a slight grin. I rolled my eyes and hit his shoulder playfully to which he responded with a chuckle. "Good morning class Im mr.dunn,nice to see so many bright faces this fine morning" said mr.dunn. He had a slight english type of accent. The class went by so fast. Jack as always tried to keep me distracted while mr.dunn explained homework. After the bell rang jack grabbed my hand and took me out the classroom. "How about we skip 2nd period today huh babe?" I thought about. It was the first day......"sure i dont plan on doing their work anyway" i responded. A big smile spread across his face. "Great lets go then" he ran as i chased him. He ran to the car and opened the passenger seat "wow what a gentleman" i laughed as he walked to the drivers seat. "Where to?" I asked "the mall?" I nodded and he sped away from the school. While we were on the road he put his right hand on my thigh still looking forward. He brought his hand up higher.......we had arrived at the mall. He parked and i gave him a kiss. "Maybe later hmm?" He whined but nodded. We went inside the mall and explored some stores. I ended up on buying a beanie, a belt and skirt. We went to sit at the food court and eat a bit until..
Jack looked over at where the gunshots were coming from and took my hand and went the opposite way. "Whats going on!?" I sajd covering my ears to try to get rid of the gunshot sounds. "I dont know but i dont wanna find out lets just get out of here!" He said not stopping to look at me. We made it through the exit and went inside the car. I tried to catch my breath while jack got something from the trunk of the car.
A gun.
He looked up at me "you're going back in their?" He nodded "im going with you" he didnt object or say anything for that matter so i grabbed myself a gun as well and cocked it. "Lets go"

Sorry i took so long in posting this😅again I haven't been on Wattpad much my bad
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter tho!

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