ch.27- tehe

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Once we get to Molly's house and she grabs her things we go back into the car and put on the ox cord and play, "Motions by Sean Love."

"I just wanna taste you on my lips, Grab up on your hips Fly around the world, baby. I can be your prince, I could be the one. We can go do us." Me and Molly Jammed to the song.

"Omg I want Carl Gallagher touching me tho fr fr." Molly said, I clapped and said "PREACH SISTER!"

"Omg have you seen what Madi tweeted? That shit had me dying! (Madi didn't really tweet this so don't do looking😂)"

"No. What she crazy self say?" Molly asked. "She tweeted; my beb doin' the "say so" dance in his sleep🥺💕💍😂"!! Bitch Madi and Chris is my life!!!" I laughed as Molly just died of surprise and confusion.

After everyone was packed and surprised we were on our way to the airport to go to Colorado.

When we got off the plain everyone walked out and into the airport as we were walking to the place to rent a dorm I seen something, "What the dick is that?"

Jaden laughed and said, "Baby that's a baby shark."

Everyone died of laughter and everyone got their own room. As me and Jaden headed off to our dorm a fan stopped us

"Hey guys..I'm so sorry to bother you but can I get a picture with both of yall?" She asked, scared. "Of course!" I said trying to make her less scared and her face brightened up.

"Thank you so much you literally don't know how much this means to me." She had the face kinda like "🥺" on and my heart melted and i smiled at Jaden and whispered "we're having a kid." He smiled and rubbed my back. "okay babygirl."

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