chapter 2

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Getting ready for a race isn't a 30 minute deal when you are the one racing. i got off work at 3pm and have been working on my car since. i have a '69 challenger custom paint black and red, all red leather interiors and of course i installed a brand new stereo, it is the only way i can drown the sound of the people while I'm racing so i can cam down and concentrate.

i had gotten the car at a junk yard and rebuikt the whole thing myself, it took me almost a year but i just couldnt get any help if i was to keep this a secret. you know what they say "if two people know about it its not a secret anymore" my grandpa always told me that. it always made me wonder what secrets he had.

the only thing i had left to do was change the licence plate on the car. i had taken a bunch of plates from the junk yard one time, and i rotate them for every race, even if someone was to run the plates they wouldn't trace it back to me.

the race didnt start until ten so i still had an hour and a half i knew i should probably eat but i just cant eat when im nervous. i hadnt lost a race yet but i still get nervous every time, so i settled for an apple and a hot cup of coffee. turned on the radio in my room and started getting dressed with my usual uniform; black military pants, military boots, white muscle shirt, large red hoodie, and black gloves. my hair was straighten, bangs covering my eyes and part of my face and the rest of my hair was pulled to cover the sides of my face, i sprayed the washable red hair color in it and finally pined the hoodie over my hair to keep it from falling of. the last touch was my bright red lipstick. One last look in the mirror to ensure that the only visible part of my face were my lips and i was ready to go.

the windows of my car were completely blacked out so i could get my hair off my eyes to have a clear view. i would always hear people talking about how the hell i drove with my eyes covered like that. i had been racing for two years now, this last year had become easier since i have my own place and was able to turn the garage into a full shop to hide and work on the car. the years before that i had to rent a storage unit for it so no one would find out about it.


I pulled in the track, as usual they had payed the owner of the race track to keep it quiet. if any one ever got hurt he would just claim we broke in. Convenient, i know.

people were already staring at my car, anyone that's been in this scene for longer than a week knows who i am and what car i drive. i made my way to park as close as possible to the track

"Marcus" i greeted my quote un-quote friend, he is the guy that organizes everything, i like him because he doesnt care who you are, sex or color he does his job fair and square.

"red! not a bad turn out ah?"

"not at all, not at all" i said while shaking his hand "so who am i racing again?"

"Jesse Gonzalez, you know short kid, Puerto Rican, blue eyes?"

"ah.... yeah no idea. what does he drive again?"

"I drive that sexy ass honda civic" jesse said stepping towards us

sexy? a civic? yeah right i thought  "oh right you raced that '75 camaro two weeks ago, right?"

"so you remember my car but not me? ouch!"

"hahaha dont take it personal kid, she only remembers the cars" Marcus stated

"i try but people just dont seem to make and impression on me"i said half laughing

"well i bet if you showed me your face i would remember it, any girl driving the way you do has to be sexy" jesse said

"thanks but i dont like showing my face"

"or giving your name" Marcus pointed out

"yeah well. so how about that race?" i said walking towards my car

"lets do this!" jesse yelled at his friends making every body else head towards the track. we both drove our car to the starting line once we were both set to go Marcus collected the thousand dollars from both Jesse and I and walked past behind our cars giving a signal to the guy on the light controls. i took a deep breath turn on my stereo "shout" by disturbed blaring out the speakers and i was ready.




Green! i threw my car in gear and im down the track i glance at my side mirror and i see him a few seconds behind. the kid was good but i was better and without even using my nitro i crossed the finish line. i love the thrill of the quarter mile but i hate how short it is!

"damn girl! what did you put in that car?" jesse asked

"eh a little this a little that, you know a good mechanics never tells his tricks"

"no i think thats magicians haha"

"thats right" i said walking towards my hood and opening it

"thats clean , is that a TRE carb?"

"sure is Pro 4150, i also got a modified intake, sheet metal to make the car lighter" i was looking at me like i was a ghost while talking

"wait! you actually know what you got in this car?"

"well since im the one that installed it i better know what i got" i said with a cocky smile

"here you go Red" Marcus said handing me the winnings

"thank you boys, i will see you next race, and ill try to remember you next time jesse" said giving him a playful smile

we shook hands and i was getting in my car when a hand grabbed my forearm, without thinking i turned grabbing the persons arm and smashing him against the car

"wow! i didnt mean to grab you like that, sorry!" the sexiest voice i ever heard said

"sorry , reflexes" i said while letting him go, i stepped back so that he could turn around. turns out im not the only one hiding because had a black hood over his head covering most of his face, the only visible thing were his lips. my eyes roamed his body looking for anything that would give me a clue to who he was.

"ive been watching you race, you are good. i just wanted to introduce myself. im Phantom" he said stretching his hand towards me.

"Red" i said shaking his hand, my eyes shot down to our hand when i saw the tattoo in his wrist

"i know" he said smiling "you should try the north side track, its actual track races, i think you would enjoy it. that is if you think you are good enough"

"sure" did he seriously just diss me like tha? what a jerk! i havent lost a race yet, i know im good!

"here" he said handing me a card with an address, date and time "i'll be racing then you should come check it out and watch me race for a change"

"thanks" i said and without another word i got in my car and drove off watching him on my rear view mirror "who the heck is he?"

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