Great Springs of a Mountain

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You were a traveling adventurer for a guild in a great country. You had gotten slashed with a cursed blade several weeks back and was searching for a way to lessen the pain the scar caused when you heard a rumor about a young lady with the ability to heal wounds. She aparently ran a small inn connected to a hot springs and would heal wounds for free if it was serious enough. This would hopefully apply to your cursed wound. As you rode by horse along tiring paths, the pain seemed constant from your back. It ached and stung as you moved quickly forward. You just kept your horse going as fast as it could for as long as possible, even then, the trip took days and many many breaks for your poor horse. When you finally arrived at the inn after a week, your back aching with intense pain. You stumbled off your horse and pulled him into a small stable off to the side of the inn. You entered the inn, quickly renting a room from the girl at the desk by the door before asking about the healing. "My apologies, but I'm searching for somebody who can heal wounds through magic? I have a cursed wound that I just need to get rid of the pain on. Even if it's just for a while." You inquired, careful to sound polite in order to guarentee healing if the rumors are true. The lady at the counter scribbled you a note with directions to a building on the edge of the hot springs. "The owner of the inn lives around there and should be able to help you, but do be cautious as it may feel uncomfortable to be healed due to how her magic works.." She warned you, but it could not deter you. You followed the directions with a light jog, even if it made you feel worse. You dragged along the snow alongside the sides of the springs as you jogged forward. You came to a small house where the hot springs ended, where you could not see through the windows due to the clutter of thick leather books and medicinal plants. You swiftly knocked on the door and heard the voice of a girl inside the home yell out at you. "Come on in! Just wait by the door, I'll be over in a moment!" You could hear the movement of metallic objects as she talked. You opened the door carefully and walked into a hallway dividing the rest of the home from the entryway. There were several stacks of colorful leather books with potted plants placed on top of them. Most of these resembled the medical plants grown in a greenhouse near the main building for the adventurer's guild. Some were very bright and colorful, covered in flowers or lovely berries. Others were only an earthy green, growing eradically over the pots and books. The room itself smelled lovely due to these many plants scattered around the room. You saw a young lady, around 5 or 6 years younger than you at the least, burst through a door to what was presumably a kitchen. "Hello, hello! I'm the owner of the inn and hot springs in this area! What do you need help with help, mister?" Her voice was loud and energetic. "You are capable of healing injuries, correct? I have a cursed wound that I need to reduce the pain from, since it is hindering my work as an adventurer." You bowed your head politely. "I will pay for your work if neccessary and will even do work around here in order to just lessen to pain." You raised your head while waiting for her response. "Of course! I'll need to examine it, but since it is cursed, it will likely take several session of healing for at least a week. That won't be an issue, right? I can cover half of the fee for your room in the inn in order to make it easier for you to stay." She motioned for you to follow her as she talked, leading you into her kitchen. "Of course, I'm willing to do anything to remove the pain this causes me."   You watched the young lady begin to clear off her island kitchen counter. "Alright! Just take a seat and give me a moment!" She smiled at you. "Oh yeah, I forgot! The name's Ana." She moved items off her counter and quickly wiped it clean with a wet towel. You looked around the kitchen quietly from your chair as she cleaned the spot. You were sat next to her table, which had several open books next to a mortar and pestle, filled with a purple and blue paste. There was an open potion bottle, dropped off on its side, dripping a glowing, prismatic liquid from what little was left inside. It had gathered in a small puddle beneath the lip of the bottle. Many of the opened books detailed potion recipes or steps for spells.
"Alright! In order to examine your wound, I'll need you to remove your shirt, and any other pieces of clothing that may obscure the wound. Lay on the table with the area with wound facing the ceiling." Ana instructed, picking up her mortar and pestle, pushing some of the potion puddle into it, mixing it together swiftly, in order to give you the time you needed.
You removed your jacket, vest, and shirt before laying against the counter on your stomach. She finished mixing her stuff and walked over to obverse the wound.
"This is terrible, something like this could take months to permanently heal.. well, for now, I can provide a lotion to deal with the pain while I prepare what you'll need. But, it's up to you if you want it permanently healed."

Yes, this is supposed to end short. Most do. Feel free to use this to start roleplays or as a prompt. Tag me if you do it as a prompt, I love what over people do.

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