Little Restaurant

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You were a traveling adventurer, who went from town to town between jobs. You would help out the townsfolk for a while when staying there. You had found a middle of nowhere town recently, and you were stopping there to rest and restock. After having not eaten real food in the last few weeks, so you were looking forward to making a real meal from fresh ingredients or buying a meal from a restaurant.
After asking around, you found a small restaurant in the town, which was aparently ran by a young lady. After following the directions from the townsfolk, you found a fairly beat up path leading to the little restaurant. The building itself was old and beat up, you could see the evidence of many repairs and the wear of years of weathers on the building. Compared to other buildings in the town, this place was very old. It was likely something passed down through a family.
The door was a sliding one, which took a slight push to get it to open all the way. You entered the entry way and the smell of fresh homely soups and of steaks filled the room. In the entry way, there was counter with a little bell, with a note stating to ring it if nobody was at the counter. The counter had a stack on menus next to a vase of fresh flowers. The chair behind a counter was cut and worn down from years of use. Almost any paint that had once covered the wooden walls was nearly gone, with green chips of paint cling for dear life on the tops and corners of the walls in the room. There was also a cushioned bench in the room, which seemed to have been the newest thing in the room besides the flowers, seemly having never been used. The wooden floor boards creaked whenever you even slightly moved.
You rung the little bell and heard loud creaking noises alongside footsteps rushing down from a backroom. A girl barely a foot taller than her counter came rushing in. "Hello! Welcome to the Willow Kitchen!" Her voice was shakey, but she was clearly excited to be greeting a new customer. "I'm the owner and also the only member of staff currently! So I hope you'll be able to enjoy your food! Would you like an indoor or outdoor table, sir?" She smiled at you with very real smile.
"Indoor, if that's not an issue." You quickly replied, keeping it short. It didn't really matter either way, you just wanted your food.
"Alright! Just follow me, I'll take you to your table!" She picked up a menu for you and quickly began walking out from an entry way into a hallway. The place was divided up into rooms with 2 tables, with four spots to sit at for each table. She directed you one of the tables and set a menu down at the table. "What would you like to drink, sir? We have teas, milk, and water."
You chose green tea and took a seat to look through the menu after she left. The seat was extremely comfortable and the room had very many flowers around the room. There were also 4 paintings of plants around the room, 2 of which where directly in your line of sight from where you were sitting.
The little lady returned with your green tea and set it down on the table for you. "Do you need more time or do you know what you'd like for dinner?"
Once again, tag me if you use it as a prompt! ❤ And use this for roleplay if you want, it's up to you. :>

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