Chapter 1: Secondary school

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It all started on my first day at secondary school when the deputy head took me to my first lesson. As soon as i stepped foot into the room i could see people pointing and whispering about me as if there was a bogey on my face (if there was then that would have been a great start to the next few years of my life). There was a miserable atmosphere in the air due to it being a muggy monday morning.

I could feel my body draining in all of the heat and my heart started to beat faster as the teacher introduced me to the class

"Hello everyone, today we will be joined by a new student Anita. Please introduce her and make her feel welcome".

I stood as steel as rock waiting for someone to say hello until I noticed them all smirking in sarcasm. The deputy head said he had some important work to be getting on with so he welcomed me into the school and then said goodbye.

"Oh great, now who am I going to have to sit next to? ", I whispered under my breath.

I was dreading who i had to sit next to (but I couldn't just stand there all day being made fun of). Anyway my legs were already aching from walking around and standing up, suppose they needed some rest.

"Hello Anita, would you like to go and sit next to Jennifer over there in the corner, she will get you a book to get started?", asked miss.

I didnt reply, im sure it was a rhetorical question in the first place! So of course I did what I was told and sat next to Jennifer.

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