chapter 3

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I told lilian about earlier: the stealing in the princess bed bedroom and the princess been bullied and for real its my first time I saw lilian so furius and she even scolded the maids at night.

'gosh it reminds me of my sister' but the best news is lilian assigned me as the babysitter of princess athanasia while lilian is busy and now its my chance to being close to the princess and now I can protect her and comfort her with open arm!

after what happened its already late and I think its already midnight! I was in the rest room resting and for real I can't sleep I was a worried about the princess 'ok while I can't sleep I need to make plan now!

opperation save princess athanasia from her Destiny! ok plan A dont let athansia meet that dirtbag emperor and plan b.... ok plan A only cuz I won't let that happened!' its already settled after that my eyes shut and I finally fallen asleep. (not fallen in love just kidding 0w0)

Athanasia's Dream

athy's POV

'huh? where am I? am I in the dungeon?' I look around and it was very dark good thing there was a narrow opening in the wall allowing just a silver moonlight to pass but when I was looking around I saw a familiar golden threads and a crystal eyes but it was lifeless and to think of it, it was me!

"hey! hey! me! Athanasia! Princess!" I scream but still she can't here me but she say something so depressing "why? why? why do you chose her? I did everything all I can for you to notice me, for you to love me, to cherish me and to look at me with warm eyes like how you do to her, but yet you still ignore me and now you want to kill me. why? why father? Daddy? your majesty? I dont want anything except for your loving presence why can't you give me that kind of presence why?" there were tears formed in her eyes and after that there was a light that pass through and I cant see because it hurts my eyes and I heard talking and I heard someone calls my name?

I opened my eyes and I think I'm not in the dungeon anymore, I think I'm in the palace ground or something for real I've never been through this place before.

I look around and there were many people, maybe there were the aristocats hmm.... but before I could think I saw the girl from earlier I mean me but why does she tied up and there were two soldiers following her...

"princess athanasia de alger obelia was suspected for poisoning the princess janette, I here by declare that princess Athanasia is sentence to death" the announcer loudly announced and I was shocked "me? poisoning? and who is Princess Janette?" I said when I saw myself hurriedly mounted the sole stool and the executioner promptly wrapped a jagged noose around her neck and after that the executioner kicked the stool from underneath I was shocked and I can't help but cry and I can't move I saw myself's feet flailing,searching for a stool to stand in but fail and after 1 minute her feet stopped moving and I was horrified and when I look at the balcony in front of the lifeless body I saw a man that has desame eyes like mine but it was lifeless and his expession was cold and I felt like he has no sympathy to the lifeless body and not even one!

but suddenly someone called me "princess! princess! hey princess wake up!" I woke up and I saw mina with a worried face and suddenly I hug her and she hug me back and then I cried.

Mina's POV

I walk through the princess bedroom while holding a lamp 'oh magical genie please show up!'

*rubbing the lamp* 'ok back to reality or the novel' I keep on yawning because lilian woke me up so early gosh!


"mina wake up! mina!" I woke up and I saw lilian I yawn and I rub my eyes "what is it head maid lilian?" I ask but still I'm still sleepy.

"I want you to stay beside athanasia until I come back" she said with a serious face 'the hell?! its still early I want to sleep!' "but its still early. I still want to sleep" I said as I yawn and I saw Lilian sighed " come on mina...ok how about this you will take care of the princess until I come back and you can rest and sleep in the remaining time is it a deal?" she said and honestly I feel like she is like my sister in my past life I groan "fine" I said as I get up and getting ready "great! thank you mina and please take good care of the pincess" she said as she go out of the door "of course head maid lilian" I said as I smile "good, ok mina goodluck" she said as she close the door and after that my smile turns into frown 'I hate this' -_-

End of Flashback

when I arrive at the princess bedroom I saw her crying maybe she had a bad dream but suddenly she cried so much.

'ok this is bad' I woke her up and good thing she woked up but her face was terrified and she suddenly hug me and I hug her back to calm her down but still she keep on crying "now now princess mina is here to protect you ok?"

I look at her with a ressuring smile and then she stopped crying.

minutes have passed I let go and smile at her and gently wiped her tears "so whats your nightmare princess?" I ask but she was silent "well its ok if you dont want to talk about it, and second you need to go back to sleep" I layed her carefully and cover her by the blanket and I was about to stand up she then grabed my hand "can you sleep with me mina?" she pleaded but I was about to insist she use her cute five year old face and pleaded again "pleaseee minaaa" ok for real I can't take it because of her cuteness I sighed and I layed beside her and then she hugged me "mina can you sing me a lullaby? pleeeaaassseeee" she pleaded again using the face again and ofcourse I cant resist it so I sing her a song:

Edelweiss, edelweiss
Every morning you greet me

Small and white Clean and bright You look happy to meet me Blossom of snow May you bloom and grow Bloom and grow forever

Edelweiss, edelweiss Bless my home-land forever

Small and white Clean and bright You look happy to meet me Blossom of snow May you bloom and grow Bloom and grow forever

Edelweiss, edelweiss Bless my home-land forever

right after I finish the song princess athanasia fell asleep and she sleep like a cute little bunny but I felt sleepy so I fell asleep beside the princess and the peaceful night went on and the princess have no nightmares anymore. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ok thats all for today bye ouch shoulder hurts from typing ok bye himari out!

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