ten | revelation |

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Pari was unaware of how she had drifted off to sleep, on her couch, in her clothes that she had worn while going out with Siddharth. She was woken the next morning by her phone whose ringtone filled the morning air in her apartment. She unconsciously grabbed the cushions beside her pressing them against her ear to muffle out the voice but to no avail. Frustrated she got up sighing, as soon as her eyes opened, she was hit by the bright rays of the soon, paining her just as much as a bullet would do while piercing her skin. She blinked a few times to adjust to the light, squinting her eyes, she picked up the phone only to see that it was Siddharth calling.

"Hello." Pari said her voice hoarse from still being in her slumber.

"Ready yet?" Siddharth asked, haste evident in his voice

"What?" Pari said unable to comprehend what he was taking about, removing the phone from her ear, she checked the time on her phone, it was 10.30 AM, she had slept in late. Suddenly realisation hit her as she understood what Siddharth was talking about.

I have to help him.

"Yeah be right there in 10." Pari said as she hurried out of her bed disconnecting the call.

Pari was freshening up as soon as she could when her thoughts wandered to the boutique Siddharth had taken her to the previous day, remembering the boutique, she recalled that it was one dealing in traditional wear which made her want to wear something ethnic as well that day.

Going through her wardrobe she picked out a nude coloured ethnic wear, a crop top and dhoti pants and paired it with a long blue embroidered jacket. Pari then tried her hair in a ponytail, not wanting to wear it down in the heat of Mumbai and wore a pair of beautiful danglers and because she was in a mode for a little extra, she wore an intricately designed finger ring.

Siddharth was waiting impatiently for Pari to arrive, hearing her voice on the call, Siddharth had known that she had just woken up. He was broken from his chain of thought by a knock at the door and he knew it would be Pari. He opened the door to be greeted by Pari on the other end and no sooner had his eyes landed on her that his breath hitched, he went stiff with a blank face which Pari seemed to be noticed.

"What? Pari said putting her hands on her waist a smirk playing on her lips. "Wasn't expecting me?

Siddharth broke away from his thoughts, taking a moment to collect himself finally replied. "No, you look beautiful." He said as the words naturally rolled of his tongue and then mentally facepalming himself for being so abrupt

"Uh, thanks." Pari said as a faint brush crept on her cheeks warming Siddharth's heart.

They exited the apartment building minutes later, Siddharth driving his car on the same lanes as he did yesterday. Soon they reached the same boutique which was now opened and thriving with customer. Sidharth helped Pari to the door, both entering the shop, the cool air inside hitting their faces. A few people recognised him, smiling and waving at him, occasionally asking him for a photograph or an autograph which he happily obliged too. The store managed came and led them to a separate room on the second floor of the shop.

"How can I help you today Sir?" The manager asked Siddharth.

"I want you to show me some sarees, expensive and one of a kind." Siddharth said looking around the store hoping something would catch his eyes.

"Sir we are the top boutique in the city, everything here is expensive and unique." Saying this the manager exited the room.

"Gift?" Pari asked curious and them immediately hoping that she hadn't

"Yeah, and I need you to help me choose." Siddharth said looking at Pari.

"Well then I will need to know for who you are getting this?" Pari said grinning, mischief playing in her eyes.

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