Chapter Seven

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Hayden takes us back home the next morning giving me a squeeze on the thigh just incase Alex were to see. We take our sweet time walking up to the door before going into the house. 

"Hey sis how was Clary's house?" Alex asks as he and the boys eat some lunch in the living room. 

"It was fun," I tell him lying to him. Hayden sits in the chair as I stand next to it. 

"Oh yeah,  what did you guys do?" Drew asked with a smirk on my face. 

"Why?" I ask in confusion. Why the hell would they be grilling me on this? 

"Oh, we were just wondering what girls do at sleepovers?" Josh replies looking up at me his face straight. 

I smile at him. What the hell is going on? "Is something wrong?" I ask Alex. 

"I don't know I mean you are lying to me right now." He says looking at me with a mad look on his face. 

"Lying?" I ask him getting a little anxious about how he knows. "You know you called me last night." 

"I called you? What are you talking about?" I say worried-looking towards Hayden. 

"Are you and Hayden fucking?" He asks all of a sudden. 

"What?" I ask him shocked that he asked that. "Why would you think that." 

My hands shake a little at the situation. My nerves kicking into overdrive. I messed up. 

"I heard you two together on the phone!" He yells standing up in front of me. "You know that he is off-limits. You're not supposed to be dating or fucking my friends! What the fuck were you thinking? You know this, we have rules!" He looks furious. 

 "First of all Alex, you have no right to ask about my sex life but, you know what yes. Yes, I am fucking your best friend, it was bound to happen.  I've loved him since I was fourteen. I don't give a fuck if I'm not supposed to date him. I don't care about your 'rules'." Starting to get mad. 

"Bound to happen? And what about you?" He says getting up in Hayden's face. "You know she is off-limits." 

"Who gives a fuck Alex," Hayden says getting in his face. 

"Hayden stop," I tell him trying to move him away. 

"Why do you hate the idea of us together," Hayden says backing away slightly, listening to me.

"Don't fucking start with me, Hayden," Alex says running his hands through his hair. 

"Come on Alex! I love her. What do you want me to do, break her heart?" 

"I don't want you two together."

"So you would rather I ditch your sister. Hurting her and myself just so you can be happy. Fuck that Alex. I am not going to hurt your sister because you are being selfish! What kind of brother wishes for his sister to be sad. You are a dick, Alex." 

Alex punches him square in the jaw making Hayden tumble back. 

"Get the hell out of my house!" Alex yells pointing to the door getting in Hayden's face again.

"Alex stop," Hayden says trying to back up away from him.

"I said get the fuck out!" He yells again pushing him towards the door. "I will fucking kill you if you do not get out of my house." 

"Go I'll see you later," I tell him looking at him in the eyes. I give him a slight kiss before he leaves.

Hayden leaves the house followed by the rest of the boys. 

"Alex." I try talking to him.

"Leave me alone Evelyn ." He says pushing me away.

"Alex stop." 

"Evelyn I said leave me the fuck alone right now." 

"I don't like you mad at me," I tell him tears coming up into my eyes. 

"Well too late. I am so mad at you but I'm so disappointed in you mostly. Why the fuck did you have to ruin everything?" He says giving me a hurt look before walking into his bedroom closing the door. 

I plop down on the couch putting my head in my hands. God, I should have told him sooner. 

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