A Beginning in Flames

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TW: mention of self harm! It's nothing graphic but please be cautious

"Прощай папа!" (Goodbye dad!) Russia waved as he headed out the door. He softly smiled taking in the view of his neighborhood.

He always left early so he could admire the houses in his area. Most of them used darker color schemes which the white, red, and blue country enjoyed. It was different from the usual houses that you would see in areas closer to the school.

Admiring the plants and small houses in his neighborhood on his daily commute to the bus stop alway made Russia's day.

There was one house in particular that always brought a warm smile to the tall country's face. In the front yard stood two large trees who guarded the house like leafy soldiers. All the framed windows had their blinds open, but there were plaid beige curtains keeping you from looking into certain rooms. In some places like the dining room though, the curtains would usually be open.
The front door was a dark olive green, and below it was a mat with the word 'welcome' on it. That was the first English word Russia learned when he moved here 4 years ago. Coming from the house was a stone path that stretched down to the sidewalk, then to the street where a dark red van was parked. Along the path were a few potted plants.

The Slavic country assumed a nice old lady lived in that house, but the poor boy was always too anxious to knock on the door and say hello.

He looked up to see the green and white street sign that read 'Basil'. He took a seat at the metal bench that was nailed into the ground next to the stop sign and checked his watch to see that he still had about two minutes until the bus should get there.


"Germs!", yelled a small country, trying to get his friend's attention. He started to run over to the black, red, and yellow country who had heard him and turned around to face him, but the striped country had tripped over his untied converse.

The black red and yellow country started to laugh along with another one who he had previously been having a conversation with.

The two laughing countries ran over to the one on the ground who didn't seem to be as amused as the others. After they helped him up off the ground, he dusted off the grass that had stuck to his pants.

"You ok America?" Asked the one who the small boy was trying get's attention in the first place. The other boy next to him peeked out from behind the taller country, "Yea that was quite a tumble you took." He tried his best not to start giggling but failed miserably.

"Polen!" The country in front yelled, trying not to upset his other friend. "It's all good Germany." America said as he bent down to tie his shoes.

His chucks were white, well they used to be before he ran around in the mud with them, with rainbow souls. The sides of them had names and writing all over them because instead of having people sign his yearbook one year, he decided to have his friends sign his shoes.

Once he had finished tying his shoes, America took Germany's glasses off his face and placed them over his sunglasses, chuckling lightly.

"Hey, I can't see shit without those!" Germany screeched as he tried to run after America. Out of the corner of his eye the star spangled country spotted a fluffy hat.

He turned around to see Russia walking off the bus. Russia was in America's friend group, but the two weren't actually that close. The tall Eurasian was good friends with Germany, Poland, and Canada.

The red, white, and blue boy ran and hid behind the confused Russian "Что..? America what are you-" Germany had ran over and tackled America, bringing Russia down with him.

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